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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. But unfortunately, that's Leora's knight in shinning armor your speaking of. Her very own dashing, daring, Cary Grant, or Clark Gable, from the once silver screen days. Yes, Mister excitement and romance himself, standing in the door with a rose in one hand and a crooked dick in the other.
  2. Question to Nij30,.. Since I've never watched Maya and Stefan before, I would like to know,.. Do they ever fuck in the morning where the sunlight makes the image clear and distinct as well as the flesh tones,.. Or are they like Kiko and Nora, always only at night where the image is awash in gray fuzzy tones,.. Making an already boing event even more bland and un-noteworthy?
  3. No, I haven't but will take your word for it. To be honest the only two apartments I watch are Leora's and Paul's, and Nora's and Kiko's.
  4. For more than three weeks now Nora has been orchestrating this thing between Kiko and Vika or whatever. I saw about three weeks ago where Kiko put his hand on Vika's leg right in front of Nora, and she didn't even flinch. I think Kiko may have already had sex with Vika outside of the apartment, if not prior, it wouldn't surprise me if he does tonight. Nora even helped Vika select the dress to wear. The sad part is, I don't know if we'll ever get to see it happen before the actual camera, for whatever fears or reasons Vika might have. Incidently, it would only be exciting because of her, as I think kiko is the most bland and boring fuck I had ever witnessed on the internet. He is so dispassionate, there is nothing but the same SLOW, excessively gentle thing from out of him. There is no grabbing Nora by the wrist and pinning her down, or adding that psychological twist to a woman's fantasy that so many of them love,.. 'that feeling of being taken'. No, with him it's just Karma Sultra position #198. Nora gets off only on the physical sensation only, nothing else that might linger in the back of her mind long afterwards.
  5. There's been a lot of speculation as to there being a possible threesome between them. And while I don't know if Kiko might have already had Sasha at some time alone, or perhaps outside and away the camera's view. To me it does seem as though this possibility does exist. And Frankly, What girl could possibly resist the thought of this with Kiko? I saw him leave the apartment earlier with Sasha, and he looked absolutely stunning! With his cute little pony tail and big boy shorts, and those adorable little pastel, blue and pink girly socks, and his house slippers. Sasha must have felt very proud and special in the company of Kiko amongst the many stares from others in the cafes' and stores. I also personally think that Kiko would be smashing in a Tutu. Like in a Degas painting.
  6. Can you blame Paul for being upset and leaving. Leora had a very attractive female friend over earlier, and at first they were just watching something on the internet together, laughing and giggly as girls are wont to do. But then Paul came home suddenly, and when this other girl first saw him she tried to suppress a laugh and then started to gag. Which would be a perfectly normal response for any young woman with at least half a brain in her head upon seeing Paul. I suppose for all the loving, gushing, things, Leora must have said about her boyfriend prior, the reality of it all must have proved to be too much of a shock for her. So, she hurriedly made some excuse to leave, and then right after Paul told Leora that he didn't want her to bring back to the apartment any more intelligent female friends. And that is what sparked this latest fight between them.
  7. Yeak I know. "I hate your guts, now lets fuck."
  8. I was wondering the same thing. It's hard for a man to see a young girl cry,.. I wish I knew what happened.
  9. I agree with Dan. She does deserve someone better than what she has with Paul. I've got to honest, he still makes me so mad at times. Like Dan, I am way too old for her, so I don't fantasize over myself being with her. But I wish somehow that she could keep the apartment by herself, and then maybe meet someone new who was more deserving. That's my secret wish anyway.
  10. Let me start off by saying that I think the world of some of you people, and I really do mean that. I backed away for awhile, and frankly didn't expect to ever voice my opinion on Cam Caps again. To be honest, I may have been wrong in my assessment over Paul's mental capabilities, and while no mental giant, he probably isn't as they use to say 'touched', or retarded. But for the things in my life that I did do wrong, I just couldn't stand myself if I should ever had fallen so low as to poke fun at someone who truly was mentally challenged. Having said all that, I am deeply grateful that aside from our shared interest in RLC, I also do recognize some truly warm hearted people here, and that we're not such a bad lot after all. However, I am now getting pretty darn annoyed at Paul with his hiding under his blankie, and with the fact that he and Leora are now constantly running to that corner of their bedroom to try to keep themselves from our eyes. If that keeps up, I won't be subscribing for very long. He does annoy me, but you folks have impressed me,.. and I'm grateful for that.
  11. It's not about religion, so much as I began to feel sorry for the guy. I told you how hard I was on him, and that he still makes my skin crawl. But if he is mentally defective, well then he's got enough problems without my having to add on to them. That's all there is to this with me.
  12. For the record, so that the world knows where I stand. No one, absolutely no one has cut deeper in the flesh of this guy than I did! No one knows how to swing a hammer faster or harder than I do when it comes to taking down some creep who truly deserves my contempt. And you only have to look at my past post concerning Paul to know to what extent I detested this creep. I called him repugnant, repulsive, revolting. I said that he doesn't embrace or caress a woman but nuzzles his nose into her face like a dog and drools over her. You only have to look at my Pizza Boy scenario to see just how much I despised him. I could have chopped him up into little pieces and thrown him into some muddy river for all it mattered to me. So for the record, your not dealing with some sort of soft squeeze here. But even so, I am glad that I still have a heart, and can still find in me sympathy or pity when it is justified or merited. So let me explain for the last time what I saw that positively stunned me and made me feel as though I had been picking on a cripple. After the glorious fuck, leora decided that they would both take a bubble bath. She was as jubilant as could be, making little white beards on her face with the soap suds and playing with the rose peddles in a very childish, but adorable way. She was like a nine year girl with a helium balloon, laughing and playing and just all smiles. Then I looked at Paul as he sat there motionless, in almost a catatonic state, only slightly looking down at the water as if he didn't even know what he was doing there. And I thought to myself, this guy should be crowing like a rooster, he should be grinning from ear to ear, because in spite of everything he manage to make his Juliet happy again. She was no longer crying, no longer chastising him, was once a again for at least another day secured to him and she was for that moment for all to see in seventh heaven. Then it hit me,.. Not only does this guy have nothing in the way of sex appeal, or good looks, but on top of everything else there is something actually wrong with his mind. It does not matter whether it was brought about by drugs or something else. The point is he is not quite all there. He seemed very much like a little child. Then it all started to add up,.. A ten year old boy doesn't know how to be suave with a woman, doesn't know how to seduce or woo a woman, but is instead clingy and will stick his face close to his mother when he wants affection. And that is exactly what he does with Leora. He never initiates anything, instead it is always Leora who takes him by the hand if she wants to go out, or have a bubble bath, or whatever. Again the nature of a child. (Paul) So yes, I started to think that maybe this poor bastard just doesn't even know what the hell to do any more than a ten year old boy would. Now, as I've said before, I may be wrong in my sympathy for him in this. And frankly, I still find it extremely difficult to watch him. And maybe he is just an oaf and a ogre and all of what I had felt at that time when I first stated what I had said, is unfounded when it comes to him. I don't know just yet,.. I will soon. And while I can't find my way to like the guy, I just didn't want to add on to his misery. We all know he is bound to get hurt over Leora soon enough one day, so yes in some ways I do feel sorry for him. That's it, until I am convinced that he is just a pig, I'm going to hold off on butchering him.
  13. To be fair about it, there is a lot of what Fabulous says that is true. So I'm not entirely sure if I wasn't somehow deceived by that strang moment when they both were in the bath tub. He didn't seem to really know where he was in some respects. Not trying to play doctor, but you couldn't miss both that vacant look and that very juvenile or childish manner in which he was just touching the bath water. Not something denoted of an adult. But then, sometimes he makes me wonder if this pity is unfounded in the way he almost seems to display a sort of 'I'm entitled attitude'. So, perhaps Fabulous is right, and my moment of compassion was misplaced. I just don't know yet. One things for sure, this thing between him and Leora is bound to end soon. And while she herself is very immature, she sure doesn't need another person who is in many ways irresponsible and childlike.
  14. I don't know,.. Maybe it was just another one of his dumb founded looks that he's famous for. Maybe he doesn't suffer from some mental deficiency that would cause someone to take pity on him. If that's the fucking case, then fine, I was deceived by a look and a gesture of his that was so childlike, so inept, that I was deeply moved. As we all know, there relationship is bound to end soon. A not even Kiko on his worse day ever annoyed me to the extent that Paul has. I would actually shiver when he would kiss Leora. So if I was wrong,.. If somehow he did fool me for a moment, then fine, fuck him. And I'm beginning to think that maybe I was wrong to have felt such compassion for him, because one moment he seems completely helpless and childlike, and the next he's acting like he's the lord and manor of the house.
  15. For what it's worth. If I should come to feel that I was mistaken by this truly pathetic sight I saw. Not just because he sat there so doleful with an absolutely blank look upon his face, but because it made sense to me just then why he seems to do everything so wrong. Maybe I'm wrong, but he just seemed to be almost in the same state that one might consider as being somewhat retarded. I'm not trying to be funny, but that's how it struck me. I felt as if I was poking fun at a somewhat retarded person. If I'm wrong, fine, then I'm wrong. But at the time, I was deeply moved by how incapable he might truly be.
  16. Because I was convinced by what I saw while he and Leora were in the bath tub that he is not up to par mentally. He follows her around, and clings to her, just like a little boy. But I'm convinced that mentally he never really has risen much above just that in reality. Maybe I was wrong, but I just don't think that he is capable of being more than what he is. Anyway, I just badly for him at the time.
  17. I know what you are saying. And in some ways I'm sure he will again annoy me or worse. But I saw a side to him today that was very revealing to me. And I am sure that a lot of what he does that we may consider stupid or clumsy and such is actually due to some form of mental deficiency. All I'm saying is that I felt sorry for him. I know that this situation between him and Leora will not last. And I also know that he will be crushed when that day comes. And what I saw today, which had nothing to do with his sexual failings, but just with his mental abilities, may be the reason why he is so uncouth or so unsophisticated in his ways, including all those things that did revolt me before. Again,.. I just felt sorry for him.
  18. Because I myself have been so guilty of harboring such contempt and even loathing towards Paul, I just feel that I now must say these things. I was wrong to mock him so, though his ways did often irk me so before. Yet I have come to realize that he does seem to have certain mental problems, and that to expect him to respond or to react in a way that we ourselves might do, is probably more difficult for him. All I know is that we were not put on this earth to add to someone else's misery. And that there is no sense of joy that comes from watching someone else suffer within themselves. And that for all that I had said before, I now do hope that Paul will somehow be happy in life, and if nothing else will not look upon me at some later time as his enemy, nor as his tormentor. It stuck me hard while I watched him and Leora in that bath tub, and only then did I realize that he may not have the capacity to think or behave more like I suppose we would, and that perhaps it is not all his fault. And in this I will not add to his hurt or his pain. I know that we all have our faults,.. And for whatever is troubling him, I now wish him well, as I do with all of you. Your Friend, If you will have it so. David
  19. Well she's happy again. Lucky for him she has such a short threshold, and is so easy to please.
  20. Leora, get rid of the damn blanket, it's not thirty below outside, and we are paying for your rent!
  21. Well they're swapping spit right now, and she is playing with his cock inside the tent. But that could spell trouble for him,.. so, like a drunk stumbling through a mine field, he better not fall down.
  22. She has just gotten done kissing him, and she lays her head on his chest with a sweet smile. Honest, she's just a sweet little girl, and she just wants everything to be alright. Lucky for him, she doesn't ask for much as far as guys go. He really needs to change and figure it all out before it really is too late.
  23. All kidding aside, Leora is very immature. She truly is like a twelve year old girl inside of a woman's body. She is also very insecure, and in her fantasy world, she wants everything to be perfect. That's why she knocks herself out to be a good homemaker, and also why she can't stand to see things broken or not working. Last night she actually had her little stuffed animal with her while she cried. It's also why Paul has lasted as long as he has with her, because intellectually they are both very immature and inexperienced as far as life itself goes. A more stable or mature woman wouldn't have a guy like Paul around, yet Leora keeps giving him chances on the hope that she can be happy with him.
  24. Yeah,.. Time to retreat and call in for reinforcements.
  25. Well I think we may be in for round three, as far as sex goes. Good luck champ.
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