Beluga whales following the boat with the underwater camera . About 4000 migrate to the mouth of the river at Churchill each summer , females only calve every 3 yrs .
Yes you are right Current Events would be better ..... i rarely look at it so all i thought of was here . Its gone !!! No rubberballs i deleted it and will leave this thread for you , bye .
I have seen the garbage bins on the street and they fill up really fast when there are maybe 50 000 or more ( don't know how many ) people on the stroll there . I know when its really busy its difficult to walk in the crowd and on the cam you can not see the street , just shoulder to shoulder people . Mardi Gras is the busiest i would guess . This pic was July 3 at 10 PM and crowd was just starting .
That looks like the hole monger "snaky" with his want to be girlfriend "Nora"! When I picture what snaky and Nora would look like together, this is the exact image that keeps appearing in my mind LMAO. I love you snaky, especially when you stay in your hole!!
I thought the same thing ... scary isn't it but she looks like the quiet type . They make a lovely couple .
This is a capture from the Bourbon St cam ..... its the aftermath of the Red Dress Run . I looked it up and it says they expected about 20 000 people in red dresses to support several charities .
I think they were drinking when they were out and Curly is horny now , well she usually is , showing everyone her pussy again and again . Now they have the strap on out in the living room .
The locusts are so bad in Southern Russia that they had called a national emergency . From 2 days ago . I only seen grasshoppers bad in Canada once , just a small area of severe hatching . Crops and grass that was 2 feet tall was reduced to dirt in only a few days . Whatever was green was eaten , nothing left .
Hello Chiller .... i see there are bathroom pics of blue haired girl on page 11 and page 3 of this thread Carina & Sabrina Pictures , others could have been removed , don't know .... anyway check pages 3 and 11 for some .... and page 4 also .