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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. H1 I took your advise and i'm still not sure exactly when i joined CC. i know that it was quite some time after i had been an RLC sub.
  2. good luck with that Bud!! Start at the spark plug and work your way back and hope it's nothing serious like a power pack!
  3. they need totally brand new tenants. this apartment is old and stale with the current residents!! it's time for Martini & Alberta and Linda & Tibor to be replaced as well. RLC needs fresh, totally unseen, and i don't mean someone that's been seen in someone else's apartments, brand freaking new tenants.
  4. i think it was dfCcap or something like that lol....i'll have look, thanks H1 and top of the day to you!
  5. i wish i knew when i joined! a lot of oldies on this forum!
  6. it needs to be flushed down the toilet and have a restart with new, never seen before tenants!
  7. I've had ACL surgery and it's no big deal as long as you rehab the way they tell you to....that's the important part. I messed up my left knee while rocking climbing on an ATV in the country. When it first happened my dad took me to the hospital and they did all the xrays and what not and said to immobilize it and stuff and check with an ortho for follow up. I did everything except check with the ortho for a follow up and i was good to go for about 5 or 6 years until my knee gave out on me just like you described. i went to an ortho sports doctor who works on a lot of the professional athletes around H-town and surrounding areas and he told me that i needed to have an ACL replacement. we set up and appointment for the surgery and the rest is, as they say, history! i had the surgery on a Monday and was in physical therapy Tuesday the following day.......they don't play around with the physical therapy after this type of surgery. Today me knee is as strong if not stronger than it ever was. I had this surgery in 91', so you can imagine that if you ever have to have it, how much farther along they are with this type of surgery!! Good luck on the rehab and i hope you don't need surgery at some point, but if you do just find a reputable doc and he will fix you right up!!
  8. sorry i came off that way EK, i was just tired of reading about it because it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. my apologies!
  9. sorry to burst your little bubble but they do it all the time. Karla and her whatever are no exception!
  10. yet.....from what i gather from you, she is totally innocent while she is out! Uh....NO, she's a c@nt just like the rest of them!!
  11. who gives a f@ck!! i have nothing against Canadian's but this is just ridiculous!!
  12. Kenny is a piece of shit, so is the dude that was with the big tittied girl in B3.....sorry, can't remember either of their names. so is the Chris guy that was fingering a couple of girls while Amalia slept in another room. you obviously like that kind of shit and condemn those that don't agree with it. you sir, have a problem and if buy chance you are in a relationship with someone, i feel utterly sorry for them!! Sorry, i just remembered his name.....Russ. how come Jasmin and her boyfriend spend time in B3 and never once did any of that stupid shit that everyone else did.....and not just Jasmin and the big guy but there were others! the problem is that people like you have no moral compass and get off to all the cheating and other BS that goes along with the couples on vacation apartments. the question is why, the answer is that if RLC only stayed the way they used to be, you wouldn't be a member anymore because it's not exciting enough for you!
  13. if i honestly believed that it wasn't all a game that RLC is playing on you people, then yes.....he is the scum of the earth!!
  14. LOL the girls in Barcelona are total sl@ts. they've been there and done that a thousand times. this apartment is actually a breath of fresh air even though i think it's all a game for you all that sub for this crap. don't bring up moral shit because you buy everything that's going on. it's like you can't have morals and watch a porn site in your eyes. it's a place that people get away to and has nothing to do with ones moral capacity!!
  15. thank you so much for taking the time to keep those of us that don't subscribe, up on what is going on in this charade!! i hope Asia catches him with his pants down and in the act and all hell breaks loose!!
  16. it had everything to do with that happening! if it wasn't for being under the influence, 95% of the participants wouldn't do a damn thing! you are way off track as usual!!
  17. it goes with the territory.....RLC territory!! i'm outta here, just stopped in to catch up real quick. headed over to the son's house for some stuffed peppers for dinner. have a good one and enjoy the SHOW!
  18. trust me, i'm used to it on this forum.....there are a lot of sarcastic people on this forum!
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