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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. the only thing that could possibly be positive to come out of whatever the problem is with them, is for them to both go their separate ways
  2. it has nothing to do with whether or not he believes me, he called me out basically and said i was cynical. the people on this forum are all supposed to be adults and have a mind of their own. they can decide for themselves what to believe or not. it's kind of like when i just caught up on B1 and they left for some other forum of entertainment and one of the girls was apparently wearing something risqué with just a coat on over it and i am supposed to believe that wherever they are going she's not going to strip down......give me a fucking break! all three of the girls in B1 are at the very least.....strippers!!
  3. Anything would make it better than it was for the last 2 years and I'm glad you are happy with it Ze.
  4. LOL you are having an affair with a married woman and then you sit here and say that you are an intelligent person. Isn't that an oxymoron? You haven't been around long enough to know any better and I can tell by what you say that you don't pay attention to details worth a darn. I suppose you are with the majority that think Mila wasn't fucking the dude she brought into her room that one night. I also suppose that the night of the last B4 party where Kylies boytoy/husband disappeared with Diane and Olya for 3 hours, was just for a walk in the park. I had your back because you are Texan but from now on I can't help you. You called me cynical and the only thing I can say to that is........yes, when it comes to these girls that spread their legs and walk around nude or strip off in front of other girls guys and so on, yes I'm cynical about that!!
  5. I was told they were gone all day....I don't think jet lag is the problem! People pay good money for these girls to go out all damn day and them come home late and do nothing. Leaving 1 or 2 girls in the house while all the rest goes out and has a rip roaring time is not my ides of money well spent!!
  6. First off, there is nothing true or genuine about this apartment!! You know me Ze and I could care less about watching hetero sex. I know it floats a lot of peoples boats on this forum and I'm sorry, I just don't get it. Kristy's boyfriend and Maracunya's boyfriend only come around for you Ze!!! Where do you think these girls spent all their time before Kamila and whatever her name was left the project? They spent all their time at their boyfriends place. Kristy assured RLC that they would bring their dudes around and act like sex maniacs just for you Ze. I was simply stating that if I was a member, there is too much male presence in my opinion. I get what you are saying because I know that is what you like, but the problem with this apartment is just like the problems with all the other apartments, they keep girls that have been here way to long and keep bringing them back!! They should have booted Kristy out and all her angels and brought the apartment back with totally new girls. Of course this is my opinion which is only worth what you paid for it........0. I always liked Kristy but she has had her time and is old news. This apartment would have been 100 times better with totally new tenants!
  7. LOL it's all done away from the cameras. I'm really surprised that you being a Texas guy, that you haven't figured it out yet. There are 2 kinds of girls on RLC and the majority of them fall in to the Girl 1 class. The girl 1 class does all their business away from the cameras. The girl 2 class is the only thing worth any interest on RLC. I told you before and I will reiterate, RLC is the biggest ripoff on the internet!!!
  8. I have saved a lot of money in the last 26 months and i'm glad i don't sub anymore, there is WAY TOO MUCH male presence in this apartment for my liking. I could care less to see any of those girls getting laid!!
  9. LOL there will be a lot of this with them leaving. Gina has another place to hide out in!! Course she could have taken the 2 new minions to the sex club.....she likes the sex club!
  10. that is a matter of opinion Snakeater, i always found her quite unattractive from the shoulders up!
  11. LOL....like I said, there are many that reside in Barcelona!!
  12. i'm sure they came from the same strip club. do all 3 have tattoos? just curious
  13. As long as RLC keeps bringing in girls that hold a residency in Barcelona, the paying customer will always get screwed and left with the childish shows and bates they see now. When Gina wants to get her fuck on or her pussy eating on, she will do it at her own residence!! The sad part is that there are many that hold their residency in Barcelona and to that the customer will always get screwed. They are not going to put the apartments UM every time they want to get down and dirty so having tenants that also hold residency in Barcelona is a win win for RLC and a big fat goose egg for the people that pay!
  14. you've got them pegged pretty well Sergio........have a good sleep and I am off to my son's house for bone in ribeyes!!
  15. Amen brother!! How many times have you read where so and so's show is fixing to start and it will be boring, yet those people keep watching the same old boring shows! Cancellation is the only thing that will get their attention!!
  16. The bate is on, on the sheet Inside your head, on every beat And the bate's so loud, deep inside The pressure's high, just to stay alive 'Cause the bate is on Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho Caught up in the action I've been looking out for you Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) The bate is on, the bate is on, the bate is on Oh it's on the sheet, the bate is on Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho Caught up in the action I've been looking out for you Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) The bate is on (yeah) the bate is on, the bate is on (Burning, burning, burning) It's on the sheet, the bate is on
  17. The reason you don't read a lot of posts calling them angels anymore is because of what I said in my earlier post. The girls are coming from a different stable these days except for some of them that they just can't seem to keep out of the apartments/house....ie: REPEATS!! I can assure you that they (RLC) reads the emails! Just because they don't reply doesn't mean a thing. First off, RLC is comprised of a bunch of lazy fucks....plain, pure, and simple. Secondly, RLC doesn't give a rats ass about you people that subscribe as long as they get their money each month!! I have seen to many instances where RLC fucked over the viewer and I know you have seen at least a couple of them in the short time you've been watching RLC!
  18. The Ginger and Amalia show had to happen, the people of CC had it written in to the script and with Ginger leaving in the next day or two after it happened is the only reason you saw it. It sounds like Amalia just helped her out with one last show and that's all it was.
  19. I can say the viewer because that is who has allowed Grand Bate Central to exist. This is nothing new and goes way back on CC/RLC and when I would ask if they wrote an email to RLC I would either get no reply or they would say no because RLC reads the forum. Therefore you are stuck with what you get to this day. Ever since the Barcelona apartments came on line, the majority of the people on this forum have treated the Barcelona girls like they really were Angels and have put these girls on a pedestal. For a long time you couldn't say anything bad about those girls with out getting jumped on by a group of people from CC. It's not quite so bad today as it was in the beginning but it does still exist. I think part of the reason it's not so bad today is because somewhere along the line RLC started using girls from a different stable if you will and the CC members have seen a definite change in the caliber of the girls RLC hires. The bottom line is this Don't......if your not bomb barding RLC's support group with emails, nothings going to change!!
  20. Wake up Fagen......I know it's been a long sleep for you but it's time to wake up and open your eyes
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