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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. So there was two shows in B4 and one show in B1, yet there was very little talk about the shows compared to the suitcase incident. Their shows are getting better and better from the sounds of it LMAO! Caught up and going to watch a movie....later CC.
  2. Even though i can't see any of the fight, I'm glad that I didn't. I will say this though with all kidding aside, any many that hits or slaps a woman needs to have his ass beat within an inch of his life!!! I would recommend to RLC to remove this domestic abuse as soon as possible!
  3. i'm caught up so I will catch you later Don't.......sleep well my friend!!
  4. the sauce only has a hint of sweet in it........i'm sure you would find it hitting your palate quite well!!
  5. and my Astros actually showed up for a game today LOL.....they have been struggling as of the last couple of weeks
  6. the BBQ was excellent!! pork ribs, snapper, and mat grilled veggies.......umum
  7. Fact #1......i'll take your and his word for it Fact #2......that is a certainty Fact #3.......there is a fucking thing you can do about and it's called.......wait for it..........quit supporting the MRLCA!!!
  8. from what i've read in the last 26 months, it's nothing unusual to happen when girls are in there final days of being there. it's still wrong in my mind but who am I!!!
  9. I have an idea but it's pure speculation and since I'm changing my ways, I refuse to comment on it. Very strange though considering there is a huge room on the very bottom floor that has plenty of room to store suitcases!! It's a room that isn't shown and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls have walked out the front door to go down to this room and just chill or talk/play for their boyfriends.
  10. got a phone call to come over to my sons house and eat some BBQ and watch the Astros game.....y'all have a good one
  11. we can only speculate Ze! i'm tired of being an asshole on this forum so i'm changing my ways 🙂
  12. OK, before I could ask a certain someone on this forum to go back and look at replay, this is what he/she told me. Nothing looked strange before or after the UM except for Loraines room. He/She told me that before the UM Loraines room was kind of in a mess but when the house came back on line her bed had been stripped and there was candles on the headboard. Who knows if anything happened or not. He also iterated that the girls looked tired and lethargic when the house came back on line. MRLCA!!!!
  13. I'm not picking on you Moos, but if it needs constant maintenance then RLC should cut their loses and find a much better place that will not have the problems you mentioned. They owe it to the customer to provide the 24/7 coverage that they proclaim in their statement! It's kind of like B2, they took that apartment off line for 2 or 3 months to fix it and after it came back online, with the exception of adding 4 cameras, they didn't fix crap. I know you are a huge supporter of RLC and maybe you even have something to do with RLC, but anyone that has been around RLC for any length of time knows that they never really fix anything. All they do is put a bandaid on the problem until the next time they have to change that bandaid!!
  14. Funnies ass! Just because they may look alike is not proof of anything. I'm just doing to you all what you all do to me all the time. Don't make such a statement if you can not provide the truth!! Yes, i'm guilty of doing this and so are many others but common sense says a lot about what these girls do and where they go. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Yes, they do look a lot alike and yes they probably are sisters but without proof a statement like that should not be made and in the future I can promise you that I am going to try my hardest not to do that anymore!
  15. Do you have proof that they are sisters? Have you seen their birth certificates? Are you going by what someone has translated to you, because if you are then you have no proof of what you say!!
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