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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I agree. RLC might as well burn the house to the ground and cut their loses because they sure aren't providing the paying customer with their monies worth by being UM all the damn time!!
  2. LOL bold statement when you don't have a clue how she is when cameras are not around, she could be a cat in heat when nobody is looking 🙂
  3. They all know each other in some form or fashion. You will learn this the more you watch.
  4. when the UM is over they will all be tucked neatly away in their beds with all the mess from the party cleaned up. you're on top of the world if you work for RLC.....miserable RLC assholes, sorry ZZACKARY......i couldn't help myself.
  5. don't know what she looks like and i don't care but if that is something you want to see, good luck with that!
  6. the only thing she is stuck in, is in between some girls legs but you'll never get to see it LOL
  7. I'm not pissed at you, i'm just a little put out with you. being a voyeur is about all the things you mentioned and if that's the case then RLC should lower their monthly premiums by about $30.00. $15.00 a month is all RLC is worth to see girls gone all day or on their phones all day!! everyone is funny when they are drunk unless they become belligerent. it used to piss me off for the money i wasted on RLC hoping something of value would come to fruition. one day you will realize that you wasted a lot of money for nothing....just like I did!!
  8. LOL you spend a minimum of $45.00 a month to watch women bathe? You can see all the women bathing you want for free on the internet........I just don't get you or others that spend their good, hard earned money just to watch women bathe!!
  9. LOL Kristy is fulfilling her newly signed lease agreement for RLC. Sounds like she picked the wrong MF to shack up with to me. You people get way to involved in these girls lives!!! These girls are cam girls, why do you get so attached? Is your own life so pathetic that you have to get that involved? I'm not saying any of this to piss you off, I'm just very curious as to why you get so involved and care so much.
  10. may i ask why you are so glad? what have they done that is so different then any of the other girls have done? i'm not picking on you Bud, you are one of my favorites on this forum. i'm just curious why you said what you said.
  11. i would like to say it's past my bedtime but it isn't. is it not possible for the weekend guy to say that he missed her?? you peoples minds is so one sided that you can't even think outside the box. the weekend guy is an important role in all these girls lives that are associated with R2. look, it doesn't matter to me, believe what you want to believe and justify your money the way you want to.....i'm good!!
  12. LOL first off, he could never prove it was her boyfriend and secondly I don't know what the weekend guy being there now has to do with something that happened yesterday if my memory serves me correctly. I still say I'm right and he owes me $100.00
  13. i would be willing to bet it was the weekend guy.......$100 says i'm right
  14. Do you honestly believe that the girls don't know how to cause a power outage if they want there to be one? Come on Ed, you are a much smarter man than that. I've been around RLC a lot longer than you have and I know how this stuff works. If what I read is true on the posts, I can figure out whats going on. The problem is that there are posters that only post in a certain way that it makes it tough for me sometimes and that is when I have to get on my PM's and find out what did or didn't happen. As for what I do like about RLC, it's the girls and especially the girls that take time to do some cleaning up around the place and don't solely rely on the maid, which in my opinion should not even be there!! I still like the whole concept of RLC as far as a voyeur site, it's the best one out there by far but in the end, it's still just a higher class cam site and nothing more.
  15. you're contradicting yourself aren't you? you just said that it isn't easy for them in the R1 thread and now in this thread you're saying they need to go asap. make up your mind and quit straddling the fence!
  16. get real Daleys, they are only going to do and show what they want to regardless of the comments on this forum. they understand that some people are going to kiss their asses in hopes for something more as well as the people that don't like it. It's all part of the life of people that choose to make a living in front of cameras for millions of people to watch. It goes with the territory!!
  17. LOL you don't even know me but yet you know what i like or dislike? I hate the management of RLC and I hate how many couples apartments there are and I hate the unnecessary UM and i hate the lack of cameras in each and every room and I hate there are rooms without sound, but other than that and the fact that the girls spend way to much time out of the apartments, there is no other problems. you are paying to see peoples real lives supposedly 24/7 but in actuality you only see partial parts of their lives because every room isn't covered. if drugs is what these people do then you should be able to see it and that is the only reason that certain rooms don't have better camera coverage and no sound. the hall bathroom in B2 is a prime example, piss poor camera coverage and why is that because of the drug corner!!!
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