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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. what you need to understand about all these girls is this, they all now each other by one means or another and they all hang out together outside the apartments/house. there is even a club/bar that they all go to where they all speak the same language and are from the same country. just because you might see them shaking hands when they meet doesn't mean they don't know something about each other or have never met. most of the time that is all for the camera, the viewer if you will.
  2. I don't think communicating why they are UM would make any difference. RLC would always say it was for maintenance and people would always believe them......mute point!!!
  3. i'm not trying to piss anyone off when i say this, but what Anita and Dalia had was all for the cameras. You are right not to believe in fairy tales!! Don't get me wrong though, it probably appeared more like it was real than 98% of all the lesbian hookups/shows because Anita was a great cam actress and Dalia just wanted to fit in and get her credibility up. Just my 2 cents!
  4. i would answer your question if i was able to see RLC because i think it's rude that you asked a question and nobody gave you an answer!
  5. Does anyone remember how the GOV apartments were labeled before becoming the GOV apartments?
  6. you should know by know that the girls in these apartments can do anything they want. RLC doesn't give a crud what they do!!!
  7. i couldn't agree more but it must be what most people want to see SC. I for one could care freaking less!!
  8. you are right on the latter point for damn sure! as for your first point, i wouldn't know. so ladies and gents, is the replay as bad as the live feed? enquiring minds want to know lol.
  9. that's what you all wanted and now you got it lol. it would definitely be one apartment that I would not watch as long as there are guys there. the girls by themselves would be the only time i would watch the apartment if i was a member.
  10. ThE aBsOlUtE bEsT tHiNg WoUlB bE iF nOnE oF tHe GiRlS fRoM tHe DiFfErEnT aPaRtMeNtS kNeW eAcH oThEr!
  11. LOL of course......what are they supposed to do, sit at home and entertain the people that provide them with a place to stay!!
  12. Seriously though, maybe they are trying to force people to buy the replay? RLC's servers have been overloaded for a long long time and they have never upgraded them that i'm aware of.
  13. so Loraine and Mike were totally done then. the only reason i asked is because in my mind i could see Blair going to check on Loraine and Mike and possibly interrupting them. thanks for the clarification Don't.
  14. i love to read your posts Ze.......i really do. keep up the good work!
  15. i would never use the word ugly, perhaps unattractive would be a better choice and remember.....beauty is in the eye of the beholder!! now to the real nitty gritty, it does seem that RLC's standards have dropped considerably over the past couple of years and i don't know if that's because they are looking for their girls that fit a whole different lifestyle such as club dancers who would be more willing to show their bodies or they are finding them on the street needing a place to live and food. whatever the case may be, i do agree with you that the girls have changed in appearance and even though i haven't seen them all, the ones i have seen are nothing like what they used to employ.
  16. i respect your disagreement Don't. I will predict this though. from what i've been reading about Blair and Mike and especially Blair, when she first came to RLC she had no problem showing the goods as most girls in their line of work don't. However, other than some lame massages she was involved in she didn't really do anything and from what i remember, she didn't have anything to do with the other girls sexually. then Mike enters the picture and comes to stay with her in B4 in the big room on the second floor and Blair went out of her way to parade the girls around in front of him. now i don't know about you but from where i'm sitting that's just wrong. now in present time she has let another girl suck his balls and no telling what else. their relationship won't last because they never do. it's just a matter of time before the next step happens and things in Blairs world are going to crumble. why would a woman that is supposed to love her man, push her man to have sexual contact with other women or let other women have sexual contact with him, voyeur site or not? is it just a game to them because they are on a voyeur site? game or not, voyeur site or not, it will not end well, it never does!! you said that she is not worried about Salma getting with him on of off camera and that's fine. however, one day if they continue on this path there will be a girl that tickles his fancy more than Blair and their relationship will end. Blair is basically telling Mike that it is OK to do it and I personally disagree but that's how I was raised and i get the whole cultural difference thing but that's not how it's supposed to be. you also said that she cares a lot more about Mike than she does about ratings, and i believe that statement to be totally false. where else is a girl going to be able to laze around and show her goods and put on the lame shows such as last night for 3 months? the answer......nowhere except for a place like RLC. so ratings my friend are very important to most of the girls that walk through the RLC doors. giving Salma an inch for an orgasm doesn't make sense to me. she should have given Salma an orgasm in return or at least tried to without getting Mike involved. what exactly were Loraine and Mike doing while all this going on with Blair and Salma? i read something about a massage or something but did they get to finish what they were doing or were they interrupted when Blair and Salma finished? these are the kind of questions i have when i read about these kind of shows.
  17. it sounds like she went further with mike because of blair. blair found a girl that would boost her ratings and that's all there is to it. the sad part is blair doesn't care about her and mikes relationship as long as she gets invited back. could you imagine what happened in B2 the night the lights went out in Georgia?
  18. sounds like Salma was the cats meow tonight. don't think for one second that she is just a clit licking kitty as none of them are. i heard that she has a kid already and she is only 18, maybe 19 at the most. she is strictly there to boost subscriptions. however, it sounds like she is the one to be there to do just that!
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