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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Good luck with this Ed2. I'm not a member of RLC anymore and therefore I have nothing I can say to contribute because I can't have a theory based off of what other people post or what I had watched for the past 4 years plus. At any rate, I wish you the best and hope to read some interesting posts!
  2. I can honestly say that I have to disagree with you on this statement. There has been numerous times where these so called people that you mention have claimed to know more than anybody else, only to be proven wrong. I don't take their social media accounts as information that would make them more informed. Nor do I take any of the translations from the translators as being more informed. These girls are actresses, they rehearse what they are going to say and do long before they do it. The sad thing is that you or anyone else can't prove to me that the blowjob Kristy gave some dude last night or whenever it was she gave it........was the first blowjob she has ever given. I'm not a fool nor am I naive enough to believe anything different. I was getting blowjobs in the 9th grade for crying out loud.......I'm sorry, but I just have to laugh at how gullible people are on this forum. As for agreeing on "our pleasure", RLC used to be pleasurable and this forum as well, but now days it is so one sided it's pathetic. Congrats on your Modship!!
  3. LOL if that's what happens, then so be it. This forum has become a f@#$ing joke with all the "clique" crowd bullying that has been going on. Those type people are the trolls of the forum just waiting to pounce on people for posting something that doesn't fit into their beliefs and agenda. They get away with it day after day and use the "didn't you see my sarcastic face" to make it all seem like little harmless fun. I'm hear to tell you that it is getting out of hand and people are taking notice of it. I read lots of posts about the laundry room while there has been nothing going on in the apartment as usual these days.......people getting their stabs and laughs in about those of us that have knowledge of activities that have taken place in there. First off I can't believe that some of the ones making fun of us didn't have any idea of how big the laundry room was, I mean really.......you could tell how big it was just by taking the width of Gina's room from the right side of the door by the depth of Lola's room plus the width of the entrance door to the laundry room. These same people want to talk shit about those of us that have a legitimate opinions on something???.......go figure. It's like people talking about Kristy giving some dude head......do you honestly think that Kristy or any of the other girls in that circle have never sucked a guys dick before!! The forum is in very bad shape in my opinion. People are getting to the point where they don't want to post not even a simple post just so they don't have to listen to the assholes talking shit about every little thing they try to post. It's making it where it is becoming a one way street.......either agree with us or get out. All I got to say about that is....FUCK THEM!!!
  4. I just realized that I posted this new thread in the wrong area. Please forgive me!! I'm starting a thread where anyone that really wants to say how they feel and what they want, can do it here. I will put my first 2 cents in after I read the threads and get caught up. Feel free to cut loose!!! HFB PS....I'm all caught up and I will post tomorrow. What a shame you people have become!
  5. He is a typical rich person that got caught up in the wrong crowds. I don't feel one bit sorry for him and hope like hell that when he is finished getting what he deserves, he straightens his ass up. He has way too much to lose to keep playing the part of a dumb ass!!
  6. I'm fixing to be in the same boat SC......just a matter of time. We can hold our heads up high when that time comes. It doesn't mean that we are anything less than the rest of them, it just means that we enjoyed our time here more than others!!
  7. I don't think that even Tiger Woods could drive a Buick these days lol.
  8. There is no better a high than a sprint car........raw horsepower at it's finest! The Lacrosse is what my niece drives.....twin turbo lol. You can have the Camaro, the only model Camaro i've ever been fond of was the '69 model. Like the fact that you ride something on two wheels, I had to sell mine because I wasn't well enough for long enough to enjoy it! Hunting wagon lol.......I have 4 of them lol.....all those stay on my properties and 2 of them are "A" No. 1!!
  9. I guess nobody wants to say what site she is camming on. It's probably the ImLive.com site. I think that is one of the sites Jessica and Reb used.
  10. Nothing wrong with that, the Subaru Outback is a damn good vehicle! I always liked the Mini Coopers and was very surprised how heavy those Mini's were. A friend of mine owned one at one time and we were at a club one night and decided to turn it sideways in a parking place while he was inside flirting with this much older woman lol. It took six of us to do it and it was all we could handle. About a year later he was involved in a wreck in that Mini Cooper and came out smelling like a rose.........a well built machine!! I always liked the Triumph Spitfires and the Miata's and thought about buying a Miata at one time but chose a motorcycle instead. My truck is really my pride and joy, it's newer than the Vette and the interior blows my Vette's interior out the door. I didn't buy the Vette for the interior though as I have always felt that Chevrolet's interior leaves a lot to be desired. I bought the Vette for the appearance and handling and the outright quickness.
  11. Good post!!! If those big engines firing up don't give you a woody.......nothing will LOL I really liked the Beetle the best......that engine on the back of that sucker was really pushing the limits of keeping the front tires on the ground!
  12. I thought I would start a new thread to see what everybody motors about with. I am not starting this thread to brag or anything of the such. I put in my time and managed my money wisely and these are the two drivers I drive. My main driver is a '14 Ford Raptor and my Sunday driver is '03 Vette. The Raptor has right at 460hp and the Vette 454hp. Let's see what everybody cherishes! It took me cooking these to get my son to detail my babies....
  13. I read in the forum of.......girls on guys, that Nicole is awake and in the living room. Does anyone else find this to be strange or is it just me? To me, it almost sounds like she is waiting on the other two whores to come back with some dudes so she can show her true colors. Someone explain why she is up and not just because she has had enough sleep or can't sleep!
  14. I'm about as odd as a 2 dollar bill. I don't know what picture you are referring to, but that's OK. We better get back on topic before we hurt somebodies feelings! By the way.....I'm not talking about you Thestarider.
  15. Thanks to a kind CC member, I was able to see Gina's face plant onto the green carpet last night. It's funny how we humans laugh at stuff like that but sometimes it just can't be helped. I'm glad she is OK and didn't land on the Ab Roller thingy. I remember a time many years ago that a buddy and myself were going to race each other on our bikes. When we took off, I hadn't gone 30' when all of a sudden my chain came off the sprocket causing my right foot to hit the pavement. The pedal came back around and caught me on the back side of my calf. The next thing I knew, I was giving the street a nice bloody kiss. Never will forget that day, my buddy must have laughed for at least an hour. Sometimes other peoples fails are just too funny not to laugh at.
  16. That is probably what it should be all the time and it sure makes it easier to catch up. When there is anything happening, it's just posters repeating each other anyway! Have a good night SC!!
  17. I can see that the same usual people were glued to their computer today.......all day. Today was Memorial Day and that is what those positive posters (you know the little group I'm talking about) did on their holiday......sit in front of their computers hoping and praying like hell that something would happen today. All I got to say is lay off the condescending remarks to other posters and practice......if you can practice, what you preach!! I'm caught up.....nite all and I hope at least some of you that are American's, enjoyed your Memorial Day holiday NOT in front of your computer waiting for something to happen!!!
  18. I didn't see it but I could bet that it wasn't all that. First off.....it was in the room Gina is in right now, correct? Secondly, the night vision in that room sucks. Thirdly, I'm sure there wasn't much to see from what I heard about it. However, you are pretty much right in your comment!
  19. I'm all caught up now and off to bed. Everyone that is still up and waiting with baited breath for the nuns to get home........have a good evening!!
  20. I get it LOL........I'm only saying that it is no way close to HD at all. They have always had substandard picture quality if you ask me. They take no pride in improving anything!!!
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