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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LMAO let me tell you what you should do bluewhiner....get off your ass and go outside and walk around the block. Tomorrow, walk around the block twice, the day after 3 times and so on and so on. Eventually you will lose that fat ass and belly roll and you might be able to pick up a girl instead of wasting your money on a porn site and jacking off.
  2. What I find sad about this post is damn near everything. From you thinking Bruno and Hakeem are some kind of studs because of the women they have fucked who are slutty and have no self respect, to saying Martina the tramp is the star of RLC. You really are several screws short of a complete box!!
  3. I am really glad to hear that, thanks for sharing this info!!
  4. LMAO not that ugly! You all have a good one, I need to get off the forum and make me something to eat before I take my meds....catch you all later.
  5. For the record, that is not what people in Texas look like!
  6. Come on Slip, where is your sense of adventure?
  7. This is where you are wrong, I would love to see the site close down. It's the only way that RLC will ever wake up from this funk they are in and then maybe they would regroup and stop bringing back all these fucking worthless repeats and get rid of some much needed trash to the trash pile!!
  8. Absolutely!! Not even close!! Believe what you want, that's all anyone can or will do anyway!!
  9. That's what you get from people that think their shit doesn't stink and don't give a damn about the virus!! I don't feel sorry for any of them...NONE!!
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