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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long Anytime Kristy goes away Wonder this time where she's gone Wonder if she's gone to stay Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home Anytime Kristy goes away
  2. I have to agree with miscvoyeur on this one!! I'm not a subscriber to RLC either but I know that Masha has had several masturbation sessions, and I wouldn't call them ridiculous myself, as I totally enjoy watching a woman/girl masturbate. So the bottom line is, if two people can tell you that they know she has had multiple sessions and they are not even subscribers to RLC, then you "snaky" need to do your homework! Maybe go back and reread the different threads in her apartment!
  3. I'm sure there is a good percentage of children born today that are still planned. Both of my kids were planned! Y'all have a good day....I'm outta here!
  4. I understand and it's a damn shame to because I for one have wanted to comment on a ton of pictures but I'm not going to go through all the steps to do so. Oh well, the rules have changed and I will abide.....the "dude" abides!
  5. You're right and in their case, I don't think it was a planned pregnancy. I could be wrong, it's just what I believe!
  6. LOL I was going to use the name Meerkat but I couldn't think of it at the time. Foamy wasn't the only one that was devastated when they left with the Meerkat!!
  7. I like Lora and wish her the best! I wish she hadn't gotten pregnant and was still here with us. I would probably still be a subscriber if that was the case!! Plus, who doesn't miss that cat they had!!!
  8. Do you read the forum? It's all in the forum if you just take the time to read it! I don't follow K&K's apartment from an RLC standpoint but I can tell you where Kami is!!
  9. You make a very valid point in most cases where couples are in this situation. I'm sure you know of someone this happened to and it was the best thing for both of them, I know I know someone where that was the case. However, I have seen where it has made matters for the children involved much worse as well. I would like to try and give his immature ass the benefit of the doubt however! It's either going to help him grow up or it's not!!
  10. You got that in bold right for sure! As for Foamy sugar coating it, I simply feel he tries to be more diplomatic about it, where as you're more cut and dried (hard). You make a great point where you stated that the mod-ship of the forum might want to enjoy it to, and I agree. We all know what you mods and admin do is very time consuming and is appreciated. If not for you all, this forum would look like a 2 year olds etch-a-sketch!! On another note though, I would like to see you mods and admin come up with a better way to comment on the pictures. As it is now, there are tons of pictures I don't comment on because of all the steps I have to go through to do it!! There has got to be a more simpler and funner way to do it!
  11. Well maybe it just might make him grow the hell up!
  12. I would like to thank Kristy for sharing her friends with those of you that were fortunate enough to see them!!
  13. Becoming a dad might be the best thing for Mario!!
  14. To each their own I guess. The apartment has a cast already that could be very exciting, they for whatever reason choose not to!
  15. I would like to have Kristy for breakfast!! Hell......breakfast, lunch, and dinner for that matter!
  16. Happy Easter to you EW and the CC crew! Safe travels your way!!
  17. It's a totally open thread and you can say whatever is on your mind at any time MrBox! I hope that if you do not subscribe to RLC when the time comes that you will still be apart of this forum!! I personally think you bring allot of good reasoning to the forum and would like to see it continue. If you feel like there is no sense in staying because you are not a subscriber to RLC, then I'm OK with that too. I subscribed to RLC for many years and currently I am not a subscriber, but I still enjoy the forum!! Whatever you decide, I wish you the best!!!
  18. I have had only two names on here, dfCcap & HarleyFatboy! However, you go around accusing others of being me because they may have a different way of looking at things. I seen where you asked a Joe somebody in chat if he was me, how sad is that! You are no better than me at all, you may think you are but your not! As far as being nothing to you, I'm glad I'm nothing to you because with friends like you.....who needs enemies!!
  19. You're right snaky, you always are! I'm tired of arguing with you about this!
  20. In all due respect slider, don't be so sure about that. She already admitted to having relations with 3 of his co-workers/friends. Just because she doesn't want to show how freaky she can be in front of the cameras, doesn't mean she ain't fucking his brains out away from the cameras!!
  21. There is a local band where I live that plays allot of Steve Miller....I call them "Old Men Rocking Gently" LOL. When I first started going to see them play they would be bouncing all over the stage and doing some pretty cool shows. Now, it's just good music they play with very little show but they can play. Their drummer reminds me of Mike Portnoy from Dream Theatre.....he is bad to the bone! I hope you enjoy the show in April and come back and tell us all about it.
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