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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. who make the casting for this appartment,is it nora and kiko or other people in rlc team? we know all now it's nora have the gestion of this appartment ,my opinion it's nora make the casting for here
  2. oui voilà,soit elle reste de dos ou soit de profil mais jamais de face pour la camera,tout est controler de sa part,c'est ce qui m'énerve,rien de naturel dans son comportement,c'est saoulant
  3. yes,all the time and sometime on the side but she do all for we don't see her tits in front of cameras in shower or bedroom,i hate this comportment, it's exactly the same style of lilu
  4. finally i have see a shower of rita and seriously she have exactly the same comportment she had during the last summer here, she stay always with her big ass on the cam,i have never see her full nude in front of camera and when she return in bedroom the first thing she do it's go in this corner always the back for the camera for put her bra on,this girl is just totally uninteresting,she control all her move,i hope she will stay just one month here,i have make the turn with this girl,just fucking boring,last time i watch her
  5. she don't pack all,just one or two bags,i think they will leave again for all the week-end or more
  6. i like this couple personaly but the big problem for me it's this TV in bedroom,the cameras is poor quality because this 2 cameras stay blocked all the time in switch mode by the fault of the light of the tv,that's kill all
  7. very good news,i don't know what couple we will see in replacement during vacation period
  8. oui et il s'est endormi avec la capote encore sur la queue,j'espere que le chat l'aura pas manger d'ici demain matin,lol
  9. i don't know if you have see the movie" the idiots" of lars van trier,there is some retarded guys in this movie and one guy have exactly the same face of him, when i see him that's make me thing of this guy,i can't post external link here but search on google when you have time
  10. yes,i have really the impression to watching a mom with his retarded son,she wash him during the shower etc....
  11. both in bathtub,she have legs open in front of him and nothing reaction ! he stay in his positions,no sex or touching on cameras, around two months left again guys with vika/bf
  12. même sans lui çà changerait rien par rapport à rita,elle a decidé de plus rien montrer depuis son retour ici,elle montrait déjà pas grand chose l'été dernier mais là c'est encore pire,pour l'instant j'ai rien vu du tout d'elle,l'été dernier elle prenait toujours une douche avant de se coucher mais là plus rien du tout,faut se lever dès 6h30 pour esperer voir une douche de 3 minutes surement,çà vaut pas le coup,je cours plus après elle,elle me saoule trop,vraiment pas ravi perso de son retour ici
  13. yes,just crazy,it's the prefect sign his mind is all the time fixed on cameras,we can wait long time, why he have accepted come here,i don't understand
  14. 10 mn of silence now,both on cell phone or ipad,when rita take her shower,i have missed all for the moment
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