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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. the problem nick it's there is nothing more to see in other appartments at this time so we have not really the choice to watch them
  2. what a fucking boring day on rlc,i have recorded nothing,i hope see good leora pussy before i go to bed,she sleep naked
  3. vika have the same level of him,that's why it's his boyfriend,this is just two immature kids have accepted come here just for the money
  4. this is the limit of this concept when tenants have decided don't have natural comportment like in true reallife,this website need change name like fakereallife
  5. the same circle every night,when vika try touch him on intimate part,he reject her,it's clearly his fault if it's nothing happened on cameras for now
  6. bath soon for vika at 1 am,it's rita will be happy hear that at this time,she sleeping and the bathtub is just beside her bed
  7. 7.45 pm local time and lev just wake up and zoya sleeping again,they have sleeping all the journey and now readdy for stay up all the night ! wtf is that rythm of life
  8. sex now in journey but again under the cover,he have take the security to close the curtain for the cameras switch in night vision,fuck you demid,i hope you will read this message,leave rlc for good your place is not here you are just the best freeloader on rlc,i can't wait the day when you will leave rlc,have a good day !
  9. yes,it's sure now camcaps will be different but i was always been more interesting to talk than to post pics so that's change nothing for me.
  10. oui elle restera frustrée tout le temps qu'elle restera ici avec lui,vraiment dommage qu'il soit bloqué comme çà par les cameras,j'aurais bien voulu la voir en action,tant pis
  11. lol yury but for that he need drink more,maybe at 5 am that will happen if i don't fall asleep before for see that
  12. fallait que tu ramene ta poire corbo,je savais bien que çà te demangeais de répondre,t'as pas changer tu part toujours dans tes delires
  13. how is possible to be bored like that,i have never see that,if something happen on cameras this night i cut my dick,lol
  14. if vika want action,she need jump on him,take of his short and suck him direclty,if she wait a move from him nothing will happen
  15. vanessa is on fire today,i like this girl, i think this appartment will be interesting with her
  16. yes,i know,rita know what angle take in bedroom for we see nothing,i just want recording 2 or 3 shower with her because i know she will do nothing more exept stay all the time on laptop in her bedroom,this is just what i want see with her.
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