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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. this guy need an injection of vitamins,same style of kiko,vika is full of energy and him not,that's not match
  2. just noticed vika start change comportment with elisa,she look more friendly after the maintenance ! i hope she will change the sexual comportment too !
  3. it's not the first maintenance like that for just prepared the bedroom for new girl and nora have probably talk too with tenants,she like take her time
  4. the bed in guest bedroom was not made like that before the maintenance,now the bed is readdy for new girl
  5. and no new girl,the only difference i can see it's the bed is made now in guest bedroom so nora have coming this morning,i hope she had a discussion too with vika/bf
  6. c'est soit l'arrivée d'une nouvelle fille ou soit nora à debarquer dans l'appartement ce matin pour mettre les choses au point avec vika/bf, toutes les plaintes ont dû venir aux oreilles de nora à force,çà peut pas continuer comme çà et maintenant on sait très bien que c'est nora qui à la gestion de cet appartement, j'attend de voir le retour de maintenance.je souhaiterais une nouvelle fille et une mise au point avec vika/bf,je leur laisse une seconde chance
  7. elisa make her life alone in this appartment,she have not really the choice,this girl have a character for stay here in this condition
  8. they are really not intelligent,i understand they are shy doing sex on cameras but they have just to do that under the cover for hide everything,it's simple,that's can be the first step and day after day maybe they can remove the blanket,i really don't understand why this guy have accepted to come here,i see nothing motivation with him for fuck on cameras
  9. merci beaucoup,sans ton aide j'aurais continuer à envoyer des pm dans le vide sans jamais de reponses,merci beaucoup
  10. j'ai reçu le tien,je viens de t'en envoyé un nouveau en faisant ce que tu m'as dit,tiens-moi au courant
  11. @legrandrobert; je peux t'envoyer un pm pour voir si tu le reçois bien? car j'ai l'impression que mes pm ne fonctionnent pas sur ce nouveau forum
  12. carla is in serious depression period,she have lost her smile,she stay all the journey in bedroom,she have no energy like before, it's sad see her like that,i don't know if rlc watching this appartment but i don't think it's good idea keep her here with this all cameras in this condition,she need help the voyeurism have some limits,my opinion
  13. vika is cold like my fridge,she don't want to be friend with elisa,just hello,thanks and good night is sufficient for her, we need new girl come faster for be friend with elisa
  14. for all want cam in laundry room,this is the answer i have just received from rlc support: "Currently installed cameras is all we can provide for this apartment now. "
  15. me yes,"we have apologize for the inconvenient,we gonna make investigation" it's not the first time i have this answer from rlc support and nothing change after !
  16. for hidden sex yes,remember chloe/joshua they have spend their time for hiding everything and rlc have kick them out
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