I've just not looked at VH since they put that up. Just a couple of times to see if they have moved or removed it. It's just irritating enough and there are so many other things to see that; why bother???
I can't access the web cams on Firefox or Chrome. I get a message saying:
"Your connection is not secure. The owner of cams.camcaps.net has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website."
I'd expect more than just listening to fiddle practice from a site like this. They must think they have a captive audience to perform for????? I seldom even look at this apt. BORING!
RLC needs to step up their game. I now check VH first and spend much more time there than RLC. Competition is a good thing and usually creates improvements. RLC is stale goods. If Leora wasn't there, I doubt I'd even bother to look in. BUT, I must admit that affair for Maya was pretty hot stuff while it lasted.
They seem to already be pretty intimate. Bet they have played hide the wiener before. Maybe she's just getting him used to the whole exhibition thing...
I used to think Maya was pretty hot but she is like an old granny now. And, if she keeps her snatch up like she does her filthy apartment, I wouldn't want to get close enough to smell it. A fancy tattoo does not make you a sex goddess. She needs to move on and get some kids to blame her mess on. haha
Has anyone else noticed that the apts kind of take turns staying up late for our entertainment? Even they have to work the late shift once in a while. I wonder if they do their own scheduling or if RLC says who gets to go to bed early?????