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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Here, here I ignore the ass holes... As for Leora's music I love it, as intelligent people love rock. It is also the first time I have heard her singing in English wow... go Leora... love you always.
  2. These pics were posted about 8 months ago on this forum I just copied a pasted them back on/in... Sieg Hell.
  3. I know the location of their city.... as I posted the pictures of it on here a year ago. Imagine living next door to her though, I would have a 24 hour, 365 stiffy without the use of viagra
  4. Pick leggings up twice and put down twice... a horny teaser if ever there was one not her usual taste in music.
  5. Because she will not get paid by RLC. although I was surprised to see her and her bf fucking on the sofa settee.
  6. She is not part of RLC so it it will be a no no..
  7. Minus 22 jesus to fucking cold even for penguins. Never mind girl get home and ramp up the heating or ramp our heating up.
  8. Who said she had to go clubbing, etc... just somewhere nice and warm and swim in the med.
  9. It is not stupid what one has wrote... you have an imagination don't you.... A nice trip out of Russia see a bit of the world why you are young.
  10. I would love to see Leora in Barca 1 for 6 months in the summer preferably... at the mo there is a 7 hour time difference between me and where she lives... dam it.
  11. Loving Tabu's rear end, she is asleep facing the sofa... she has shorts on but she has a lovely meaty bulge on view.
  12. If they move in here they can rename it Fuckingham Palace or Bateingham Palace.
  13. I did see the little blond girl go into the bedroom... So if the the two guests are on LR bed sofa then Sasha, Masha and Blondie are in the bedroom????
  14. That was surreal with all three of the them on the LR bed sofa... very close contact touchy, touchy... I am sure the little blond bird wants to engage in a threesome.
  15. I loved yesterday saga with Desiree with those whopping great healed shoes.. doing some strange testing was this girl.
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