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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. This is why Jasmin doesn't dance very often. Even time she dances 5 Camcaps members die of a heart attack!
  2. Agreed, I mean just look at her! I honestly am just happy she's spending some of her young life with us
  3. I disagree. I'm a big fan of Rebecca and Jasmin is too hot to ignore. Belle is great of course, but I would still watch if she wasn't there
  4. She definitely has a thing for girls, and she's already tasted Belle. Jasmin's next on the hit list
  5. Orgy night number 1, when I was done cleaning up I remember I was just laughing, actually laughing out loud because I could not believe what I was watching. I only had about an hour of sleep before work but the whole of the next day I was just smiling to myself. Couldn't tell my colleagues why though
  6. I wasn't here from the start, but the goalposts have shifted now thanks to the lesbo shows. I am absolutely convinced we'll never see another lesbian show in Barca, so I choose to enjoy what we get. These three girls in B2 are not exactly setting the world on fire, but I like all three of them as people so I'm happy to watch them no matter what they do And if I'm proven wrong and we do get another show, so much the better
  7. Personally, I'm not convinced the boyfriend is the problem for any of these girls. We know nothing about the contracts these girls sign, so for all we know the girls are not obligated to do anything more than just live their lives. In my opinion, and probably not shared by many others, Jasmin does not get involved with the others because that's just who she is, less of an extroverted character, and she's just living her daily life. The funny thing is that Jasmin is the most 'Real' of any of these three girls, because I don't think she's altering her personality at all having come into the apartment
  8. Yes but I personally am happy to watch her just because she's so attractive. More fun would be great, but she's so, so hot that I get just as much enjoyment from watching her do those squats as I do from watching some other girl bate
  9. I'd love it, but I don't think it will happen. Ilona in particular loves to travel--HOLD THAT THOUGHT BECCA IS DOING THE FRONT
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