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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Clearly just cigarettes. It's the three smokers and they didn't bring anything else out with them
  2. Yeah that's a shame, but it didn't last the previous time. A few drinks went down and the clothes came off anyway. Also, all Polya's stuff is still in Barca 1, so I reckon they'll leave and go back there quite early
  3. Pretty much http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/powdered-alcohol-got-me-drunk-the-worst-way-possible
  4. It is possible (although unlikely, I know) that it's just powdered alcohol Whatever it is, it's cool to see the girls just kinda chilling out and getting fucked up, reminds me of Uni days haha
  5. You're just...wrong man. All the girls are straight. All of them. Rebecca might have been bi, but all the rest are straight. If Carolina was really as sexually frustrated as people make out then she'd finish herself off. She isn't, so she doesn't. Now I'm bored of this conversation so I'm just going to pop you on my ignore list for the rest of the night so I can enjoy Stella in peace
  6. OK man, well you're going to be extremely frustrated on RLC if you think straight girls are worthless on this site. I don't want to argue about it any more because there's too much negativity on this forum. Stella is a babe, and I'm glad she's here That is my opinion and it isn't changing for anyone
  7. You're nuts Was Ilona worthless? Danaya? Elisa? Irma? Kami? Kristy? Stella has done more than all of them. You expect too much, I think PornHub is more your thing
  8. I don't think Stella has changed at all, but people's expectations have shifted. Luckily for me I know that RLC pays no attention to what is said on this forum so Stella will leave whenever she chooses to leave, and I will enjoy every moment until then
  9. So you would rather she tried to do something which made her uncomfortable, just to please you? Not every girl likes having sex with other girls. Does that make them a worthless tenant?
  10. Carolina has not even masturbated since she came here, but still people say she is more open and sexy than Stella? It's nonsense
  11. You're wrong about Stella, but I won't start an argument about it. Let's just remember that Stella has rubbed girls pussies and used a dildo on megan, she let Belle fuck her with a dildo and was kissing Polya's pussy in the shower. Stella has done more than 90% of girls to come through the Barca apartments, but still people complain. Irma never got anywhere near as far as Stella, but people love her (including me, of course) I'll say it again, recent events have spoiled you
  12. Too much Stella hate. She's absolutely stunning, one of the most beautiful girls we've ever had here. No she doesn't act in the same way as some of the other girls, but that's because different people have different personalities. 3 months ago, if we had Stella in the apartment, who bates with a dildo in the open, everyone would have thought she was the perfect tenant. Recent events have spoiled you. Stella is great, and I hope she stays the full 3 months
  13. These last few pages. Moan moan moan moan moan Yes the balcony is annoying, but please at least talk about something else here. It's boring reading page after page of the same thing
  14. Megan washed hers and packed it. Stella has her own, she used it at Barca 1 too (the night after she used Irma's balls)
  15. In fact, what was actually said was that he is an old friend of Lola. He had met Polya previously, but none of the others. This can be confirmed because the first night he came to the apartment Lola introduced him to some of the girls, they greeted each other and shook hands, which is the way one greets another when they are meeting for the first time. I do not believe he has anything to do with RLC at all. Just a friend of Lola who got very lucky.
  16. What, people having sex? No, that never happens, not for many of the people on CamCaps anyway hahahaha
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