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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Mate, he shook a bottle of water, not a cocktail shaker. Which he just took in from the balcony. And the bottle of water went STRAIGHT into the empty shot glasses. Nothing else
  2. OK, I will just say what I just saw, and you can read into it what you want. the dude takes two bottles of water, which they just purchased, out to the balcony. they're out there for a while. Belle comes in, takes money from her purse, goes back outside. They all come in. Now the guy goes into the kitchen and pours the contents of the water bottle into shot glasses. Then they all do a shot Call me crazy, I think there's something else in that water
  3. Megan is sitting in her underwear on her phone, next to Stella. She has been there about an hour
  4. Yury, kitek, can you kindly confirm the exact phrase which was used so that this conversation can come to an end? Thanks
  5. Nobody is going to post links to you because they'll get banned. And nobody is going to PM them to you because nobody seems to like you. I wouldn't trust you with anything I sent over PM.
  6. 30 minutes ago you said that the girls would spend the whole night on the balcony. If there is one thing I have learned on Camcaps it is that everything you say is wrong, so I should believe the opposite. Bonnie you're alright, but you post these things like you know them to be 100% true. You don't know anything more than the rest of us
  7. Not sure about that. Of the 4 who went out, only Anna "lives" there, would make more sense for them to come back, or go somewhere else entirely
  8. Even if the behaviour was not proof enough, the fact that the girls confirmed it, with words out of their own mouths, is proof to me. If you do not believe they really said it, then we are not going to agree and we should end this conversation here as it is a waste of both of our time
  9. I remain convinced that he did something to offend Anna when they were out the other night. Dima said he had plans for her, and Anna was definitely showing an interest in him, so for her to return without him was strange. Maybe he decided Stella was hotter! (He would be right in my opinion!)
  10. Yury said that the girls specifically discussed the drugs, and I believe him over you any day! Plus, it's just so obvious! Let me be absolutely clear - I have taken many drugs in my life, although not for a few years, and I am 100% pro-drug. I think they should all be legalised, no exceptions. I do not look down on anyone for doing drugs, nor do I consider it a smear to say that someone has done drugs, or has supplied drugs. But there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the girls were doing coke at Barca 1, and MDMA at Barca 2. No doubt.
  11. Nobody said 'forced.' I would say that it is 100% confirmed there were drugs at the party - you may disagree, but if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and if somebody tells you it's a goddamn duck, then it's probably a fucking duck And Yury only said that he thinks Lola and Dima organised it, not that anyone was forced
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