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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Dude, you're a little late! She leaves tomorrow Or are you welcoming her to Amsterdam? I love the city, but I don't think anyone would call it the capital of Europe
  2. I said earlier that the drug thing is my opinion only (although shared by many) but I don't look down on people for doing drugs, I have done many myself and I think they should all be 100% legal - but that is a conversation for another time
  3. It certainly was! But as long as the guy is in the apartment we can't move on, because it's not the end of the story yet! Although I don't like the guy, seems like he'd be fun to party with, always with booze and drugs and surrounded by women!
  4. Rebecca has done her hair and makeup, but does not seem to be in a hurry to get ready and leave with the others. I've said it before, but I'd prefer she stayed with Megan!
  5. My impression is that he had nothing to do with the girls hooking up, except that he brought them MDMA (unconfirmed I know, my opinion only.) Anna took it, started getting sexy and arousing the other girls. The girls had spoken previously about how Megan had never had an orgasm, and I think that Rebecca took advantage of the sex in the air and decided to make a move. Again, my opinions only, but I don't think his presence there is anything to do with money, although don't get me wrong I'm not a fan of his
  6. For what it's worth, I thought he was just role-playing the sexy waiter thing, and exaggerating his actions for comedic effect regardless, looks like he, Lola and Rebecca are going out. Megan, not so sure. As long as he is not left alone with Megan I don't really care what they do, but I'd rather Megan and Rebecca stayed home together
  7. I bet he knows. And I bet he doesn't care My friend is dating a bisexual girl, he says he doesn't care if she sleeps with other women, but never other men. And in return he gets threesomes. Win-win
  8. Thanks Kitek. Obviously the most interesting part is "All the girls are fine but the last two days .... (???)" I wonder if by this she means that the 'girls' are fine but the guy is not, or whether she means that the last few days have been more than she expected. Seeing how enthusiastic she was with the girls on Wednesday night, I don't think that is the problem. My pesonal interpretation is that the guy is the problem
  9. Whoa whoa whoa, in no way is Beardo confirmed with RLC. Maybe he's an accountant or something haha. Or maybe something else, but that confirms nothing
  10. Is she? I know she was here for a while, but not at the moment I don't think. If so I might have to pay her a visit haha
  11. Yes, but Paris is probably seen as a more desirable destination for models like this - a more romantic city. My guess would be either London or Paris
  12. Technically that is true, but I think when that phrase was mentioned it was more referring to the size / importance of the city
  13. Haha, yeah that's exactly what I would tell everybody if I had wasted my whole evening trying to bang a girl and she rejected me too Thanks Kitek
  14. Thanks Kitek. That is terrible news! Unless she is coming to London, in which case it is excellent news
  15. True, but as there are no other guys in the apartments it does not make any difference to us!
  16. I guess I saw it a little differently, I didn't really see her blocking the cams, and from the translation by Kitek it seemed she was actually encouraging Megan to do more! But everyone sees things in different ways. In terms of the kind of person she is, she seems to smile a lot more outside the apartment than in it
  17. That's from Wednesday night / Thursday morning, the night of the biggest action
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