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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Just noticed something... The ballons which Irma hung on her ceiling create circular shadows which look a lot like the RLC watermarks...reckon Irma is trying to ruin RLC's plan to ban us for posting pictures by confusing the watermarks! That girl thinks of everything!
  2. If Rita is staying for longer than Vika then she really needs to make an effort to get to know Irma. If RLC have any sense they'll bring in someone who Irma already knows and in that situation Rita could end up being the outcast of the group. If she makes an effort now then maybe she'll get to be friends with both of them
  3. I'm just counting down the minutes until Irma oils herself up and goes all zen on us. Then I know I've got half an hour to do other things until she gets in the shower and enjoys the water flow. Predictable? Yes. Enjoyable? Oh hell yes
  4. Mike has contributed more to this forum that the rest of us put together, and still would be if RLC weren't cracking down and banning members. Yes he posts about Rita a lot, but it's done with humour and positivity. Abuse towards the girls breeds abuse between members, and that's not what this forum should be about
  5. It's not that man, it's fine to express negativity towards the girls, it's a forum, a place for opinions. But when you do it on EVERY SINGLE POST it's just boring as hell. It shows a lack of manners, a lack of imagination and a lack of taste
  6. Alright probably best to leave this now in order to prevent the thread getting locked. On a positive note I'm loving Irma's tan lines. Reckon they need a bit of after-sun rubbed on though. I volunteer
  7. Good shout man, I don't use the ignore list because it's fine for everyone to have their opinion as long as it's expressed in a reasonable way, but this lonely old man is gonna be the first person on my list. Spouting a load of absolute bollocks
  8. Who gives a shit what happens outside the apartment? Why is that so important to you? Do you think we care what you think? Is it because you can't see any action in the apt that you feel the need to speculate so much? Your negativity does not improve this forum as a place to be, and given the lack of pics and vids we need all the positivity we can get.
  9. Yeah but what you 'think' seems to be relentlessly negative, insulting and baiting. You say Rita is a waste of space in the apartment? I say you're a waste of space on this forum
  10. I don't think anybody here knows what those tattoos say. The only one we know is on her hip, it says 'Jazz' and the J is a saxophone. The one on her right arm seems to be something in latin, Nil Desperaxxxxxx (I cannot make it all out)
  11. I had two more dreams about Irma last night, that's 4 since she came back to the apt. I think I need help in my dream her real name was Maria
  12. Irma. Always and forever.
  13. Legend Man I really hope Irma isn't getting too downhearted by the cold shoulder from the other girls. Before she went out yesterday or earlier (can't remember when) she stopped by the kitchen where Vika and Rita were, said a few words and had them both laughing. She's such a great gal and doesn't deserve to be frozen out!
  14. Did you take a vid? Fancy a trade? I have a pretty good vid of Kami banging her boyfriend if you fancy
  15. Oh shit. What did I miss Irma doing this time then? If anyone feels like sharing via PM I'm always willing to trade!
  16. Afternoon all, I stayed at a friend's house last night and looks like I missed another Irma session :( Oh well, I'm sure the best is yet to come from her!
  17. Dude, it's fine. Occasional criticism of the girls is OK as long as you're not a dick about it. There are some who won't shut up about Irma being a whore, or Rita being a bitch, or Vika having a face like a slapped arse, and that's not OK, but you can still express your opinions here. Don't worry about what people will think about you, because if you try and please everyone you're acting false and then people won't like you anyway.
  18. I like RIta, but if she's very friendly she's certainly not showing it towards Irma. I know you say that things will improve and I agree, but Rita is certainly not making any particular effort to make friends with Irma
  19. Vika and Irma talking, smiling and laughing with each other! What a nice thing to see! Just shows that Irma can make friends with anyone. I haven't seen Vika laugh so much since she arrived!
  20. No it's not the lovense, that's a different shape. Irma uses this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MX0DG74/ref=twister_B01FZ018NC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  21. OK that's fair, everyone has a right to an opinion, but now that we finally have a girl in the house who is willing to show us everything she has, and who clearly enjoys being watched and putting on a good show, it's silly to complain about her. The way she looks at herself in the mirror, I've always thought that maybe Irma was fat as a younger woman and has worked very hard to get into good shape, so she is proud of her body, and good for her! In my opinion she looks great! And whilst I can see why some people don't think she's pretty I personally think she is the most natural girl this apartment has ever seen, she rarely wears much makeup and doesn't spend hours getting ready to go out, but she still looks amazing
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