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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Damn girls, stay safe out there! There are some crazy people in the world! Hopefully tomorrow you will be back in a good mood again
  2. Whoever it is seems to have gone, and they can always just ask the Emperor Shame it's spoiled their mood!
  3. Cams down! Surely another orgy!! (/Sarcasm) A perfectly opportunity to go out for a while, see you guys later
  4. I actually think the opposite. When the girls were downstairs they spent some time in the kitchen and probably on the balcony smoking, then maybe they were on the sofa. I thought it was strange that they all came up to Stella's room, in my opinion RLC text them to say 'Please go upstairs as the cameras are not working downstairs.' But of course i have no proof, but by the sounds of things nothing interesting happened downstairs last night at all
  5. I didn't see her put the clothes on, but from the sounds of the description what Belle was wearing was a Playsuit. Looks good enough to go out in, but low maintenance, casual and good for Summer
  6. It would be nice, but I'd rather see Kylie and Stella get friendly. Kylie seems hornier in general than Gina
  7. I think Kylie has a naughty side, I would not be surprised if she puts on a little show for us one day
  8. Now if we could just get some nudity from Rosie like Belle has been giving I'd be the happiest man alive. The two of them have really been great the past few days, and Angel has been fun too. B2 winning the battle of the apartments for me at the moment!
  9. She did, you could hear the dialogue. "What are you doing, that's my private area!!" Classic porn storyline
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