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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Well they went out, but not to the club. Unless they're coming back soon they're dressed for a beach bar
  2. Belle might be on hers, but Rosie isn't, she was on her period when she first arrived so it must be over now. If she's still wearing pads it's just because she is a little juicy down there
  3. Of course there are moaners Thanks girls for the little show! We would very much appreciate if you did it more often!
  4. Hey Rosie, how would you like to date a guy in London on slightly above average income? I make an excellent chicken kiev
  5. Before someone starts complaining, I literally could not care less that this is just a show to keep the viewers happy
  6. Again BB, the implication is that if someone pays for the girls to have a VIP table at a club they are expecting **something** in return. The errors with this are: The number came from Bonnie, who is a liar and knows nothing whatsoever That's not how VIP tables work - you reserve a table for yourself and then invite girls over to sit with you 250€ is far too low a price for a VIP table at a top Barcelona nightclub unless you are actually a VIP (in which case you are given the table for free)
  7. Nobody has paid a table reservation of 250€ at all. Bonnie pulled that figure out of her arse and we know she's a compulsive liar
  8. I Agree BB, but there are some times when you have also said things that, whilst not explicitly calling the girls 'certain names,' have been implying it, and that can encourage others who are less subtle. Best to avoid the subject altogether in my humble opinion
  9. LOL. Mate, he has no information. Some people are just desperate to force home their tired theories I'm heading out, have a nice evening all
  10. i'm not a mod, i don't do anything. Just telling you how it is I think it's better, easier to mod and easier to get rid of trolls
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