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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Discussing those things in PMs is one thing, on the public forum is another matter. And contrary to what you think, people are happy to share information with members who are pleasant, civil and friendly. Why should I do you any favours when you are ranting and raving?
  2. Why bother explaining? Look at the state of this forum, it's full of bitter angry people who won't change their opinions even if they see cold hard evidence. I have tried to offer a contrary view to all the negativity expressed here, but it's tiring and not worth the effort any more. I think I'm done with this forum for a while I hope everyone has a nice day
  3. Yeah the angry, sexually frustrated losers are taking over this forum. Most of the last 10 pages are just full of ignored content now. It's really, really obvious that the girls didn't go to the swinger club last night, and just a little bit of intelligence can figure that out, but the anger and bitterness of the members here is overwhelming now and is blinkering them. If any of the girls read the forum (and I know for a fact that at least two of them do) do these guys really think they are helping anything? It's just more likely to make the girls less open, less willing to entertain the viewers. What an unpleasant group of people we have here now, with the exception of a few quality posters. It's not fun to be a member here at the moment
  4. Actually, I disagree. I would say they are getting worse since April 2nd And to say the Twins started this problem, hahahahahaa! They couldn't start a car Probably enough quoting of Mr Box tonight I would say Wathou
  5. Exactly. Maybe the party would end up back in the apartment more often but the girls would have to tell any guests about the cameras, and that would probably put off a lot of guys - maybe they have girlfriends back home and wouldn't want to be caught doing the dirty on cam, or maybe they want to break out a bong and have a bit of a session. The DJ knows about RLC so him and his mates wouldn't care, but other guys might
  6. You missed my point. I literally said, in my post, 'I know it is different on RLC because we paid for it.' And I also deliberately didn't mention the body painting because that is certainly not what girls on vacation get up to. But this, right here in B2, is exactly 'real life' for many young holidaymakers in Barcelona, with the exception of the shows like last night. Am I enjoying it? Not particularly (although I enjoy looking at Rosie no matter what she is doing) but this is about as 'real' as it gets in the Barca apartments. It's just more proof that 'real' does not equal 'good.'
  7. Whilst I know the situation on RLC is a little different because the viewers are paying for it, it should be noted that this is pretty much as realistic as it gets for young people on holiday in Barcelona
  8. Oh girls, you should have learned your lesson that this is not a good guy. Nonetheless, I do not think he will become a regular again like before - I certainly hope not
  9. My suggestion is that they're meeting up with 3 guys, and 3 into 2 doesn't go. Do you really think Rose is going to make any money 'dancing and entertaining' in her state? And the idea of Belle making money as a dancer is quite funny to me. And even if they were, how does Rosie coming or not change that?
  10. I'm absolutely convinced you are wrong, and again I don't like your implication. I don't care if you feel picked on
  11. Goodnight Rose! There's a couple of horny and curious girls named Stella and Kylie about half an hour away if you ever fancied trying something new
  12. Who knows indeed! I don't think Rose and Belle would muddy their friendship like that, but I would love to be proven wrong! On the other hand Angel doesn't seem like she has any non-straight tendencies, but Barcelona has been known to have a funny effect on these girls! It would be awesome if there was a whopping great 'lesbian sex' bonus in their contracts. Then the more curious girls would have a great incentive to experiment!
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