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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Yes but I knew where they were going that night. Today they're likely at a nightclub, so it could be 5am, 7am or later! But the timekeeper Noldus is usually very close
  2. Of course I like the sexy dancing if it's Irma. I like everything that girl does. And obviously I enjoyed all those other things, but that's irrelevant to my post. If none of those things had ever happened I'd still be paying just for Irma
  3. Agreed. Whilst I'd love to watch her 24/7, it's better to allow other girls a chance to make an impression. And then when they fail, Irma can come back in and steady the ship
  4. ...i think you might need a new keyboard But if I understand correctly, Irma isn't gay, she likes men and women. She would have had sex with Alberto if he had had the balls to make a move, but he was a pussy.
  5. Different people want different things from RLC. For me personally I have no interest in watching girls dance, but I would happily pay the monthly fee just to watch Irma flash the occasional smile.
  6. Actually I think people like them more now than when they first arrived. At first some people commented that they looked 'frigid' and 'stuck up,' but I think most people now agree they're lovely girls, but obviously they were never going to do anything sexual together in the same room.
  7. I think RLC know that once Irma leaves, they have a problem. The Twins, Gina and Angelina will carry on as they are for the rest of their stays, lovely as that is. Belle and Stella may produce a surprise or two but they're not leaders. I would not be surprised to see Lola back before too long
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