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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I think it's more of a balance between the two. Let's be honest, nobody would watch RLC if you didn't get to see naked chicks, so obviously there is a pornographic element in that regard. But it's not a porn site in that the tenants don't HAVE to entertain the viewers. Take Jasmin, she did exactly what she wanted to do and no more than that. She could have earned more by showing more, but she didn't want to and that was that. If the current girls are happy with what they're earning then they have no obligation (that we know about) to do anything more. If at the end of the month they're not happy with their pay, they know what to do to earn more
  2. You two are talking at cross-purposes. Mike when BB said he said read 'the contract' he didn't mean the contracts the girls sign, he meant the T's and C's on the RLC site
  3. BB, if that's how you read it then that's your prerogative, Mike literally said we should be 'uniting our forces' against RLC. And damn man, if every post on here that is related to our lives outside of RLC is a 'get a life' post then the discussion here is dead. I think you're maybe a little touchy about Belle at the moment because I thought you knew me better than that
  4. Well that's obviously not what I'm saying at all BB. MikeLima was suggesting that we should all email RLC and complain, and I'm telling him that I won't do that, because I don't agree with him. I didn't say he shouldn't do it if he wants to
  5. The current situation is not terrible to me. Yes since Irma left I have watched RLC much less, but I do not care enough to write them an email. Instead I have been going for walks and seeing friends. Soon enough the situation will be more exciting I'm sure. This is RLC, some periods are more exciting than others. I still like all the current girls a lot
  6. You are absolutely free to express your opinions. And we are absolutely free to ignore you. Democracy
  7. Who doesn't I don't know why any speculation about her walk would need to be derogatory, surely she's free to meet and walk with whoever she pleases?
  8. The DJ is a good friend of Danaya - he knows about the apartments. I also seem to recall he has a CamCaps account...
  9. Well, what a start to her stay Welcome Rosemary! Looks like you're going to enjoy your time in Barcelona, and you are going to cause a lot of controversy on the forum! I hope people don't start getting too silly with their comments
  10. Wow, I woke up to a lot of posts! If DJ Edu was there he is a big player and a very popular guy, he DJs at one of the biggest clubs in Barcelona, all the girls go there often. He's good-looking, rich and a very 'cool' guy so no wonder the girls wanted to hang with him. Let's not get too silly talking about why the girls were hanging with him - half of the girls in Barcelona want to fuck him
  11. From what I understand, she doesn't need Belle to drag her anywhere. Rose is friends with all the 'party crew' and I expect she'll be out quite a lot, with or without Belle But that's fine with me because I've been waiting a long time to see her on RLC and I am very much looking forward to seeing her naked
  12. It could also be that it's just comfortable BB...If I'm sitting on a sofa I also like a cushion on my lap, it just feels nice
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