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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. I love these girls. I just wish they would give in to each other now and then :) Playing touchy-feely on the bed... Sharing a bath... (The Video Content is no Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  2. I get excited even when she's doing nothing... addicted? (Attachment Purged)
  3. Hmmm.... a previous post mentioned that Lev came back and was met by Zoya at the door with a kiss and hug. That happened a couple days ago, and I figure "here we go again". However, Lev seems to be treating Zoya differently. Tonight they had sex, and Lev seemed attentive to Zoya's needs - much different that previous encounters. I also understand Lev tends to get drunk, and things don't go so well then... but so far I'm seeing something better than I had in the past. What do you folks think - any chance of Lev changing?
  4. I can't help but think these girls "want" to, especially Danaya, but they just aren't comfortable enough in front of the camera's. Probably too many friends would see it and they don't want the labels. :( 2016-03-09_14-04-48.mp4 2016-03-09_14-02-37.mp4
  5. Look guys, the one thing that's never (or rarely) mentioned is that the tenants see these pictures too. Dasha and Demid will see the pic, and if it bothers them, they will say something. If it doesn't bother them, then all is well. In either case, it's not a big deal - you probably wouldn't want to know what's been on a couch your sitting on at a friends house LOL. Oh! PS: If it was Dasha siting naked on the couch I doubt anyone would have said anything ;)
  6. You know, I never remember Demid kissing her. If true, that's terrible - I could get lost in foreplay :)
  7. I understand from reading various sources that Dasha use to be a lot more active than she is now. I wish I would have been here for those times. However, Dasha does drive me a bit crazy. She the kind of girl I always hoped to meet; sophisticated yet a bit wild when the time was right. I can't stop watching her LOL. When you got the hots for someone you can't have, your mind then wants to see them in all the situations you wish you could be in with her... Demid leaves a lot to be desired, but I truly think Dasha and He are emotionally attached. I wouldn't compare him to Lev - maybe Paul - a little on the short-of-energy side, and a little too comfortable with the status quo. In any case, I don't see this apartment nearly as boring as a few others. The Guitar-Guy is fun to listen to, and the Jams give me a chance to enjoy the music as well as study everyone's faces and wonder what secrets they are keeping LOL Ok, I'm an adventurer.
  8. That was some event today. Efim had GF tied face down on Nellie's bed. First he whipped her, then he pile drove her pretty good. There were a few moments I thought she wasn't having any fun anymore, but she came out of the experience smiling, so I guess all is ok. Someone mentioned sodomizing - I don't think so. There were a few clear shots that said that wasn't what was happening. Besides, he was being too aggressive for that to be happening unless she is very use to it. Efim and GF are obviously trying VERY hard to get RLC to put them in an apartment, and I have to give them credit for going beyond anything we usually see. However, I'm not sure I'm agreeable to this level of sex. Although it can be very exciting between two people that totally trust each other, I'm worried other couples may feel they have to "keep up" and sooner or later someone is going to get hurt. Something to consider RLC. Comments welcome.
  9. I don't think he's left for good, but it almost seems they are taking turns in the apartment now. If that's right, Lev will show up now for a few days...
  10. Can't see it. The reason I say Mario is a kid, is (1) he can't keep his hands off his dick (ever) and (2) he crys at any time things aren't going the way he wants. Maybe Carla is immature as well but not as obvious.
  11. Mario is a 14 year old with a big dick. Carla could do so much better... an adult would make her so much happier.
  12. LOL. If your looking for an argument to prove your point, you won't get it from me. As I said, this is a discussion board, not an argument board. I believe most who read my post understood that posting opinions about the apartments is welcome. Even disagreeing with those opinions is welcome - but expressing anger at those opinions and going as far as mentioning you would refrain from swearing is an insult. Period.
  13. Wow! If I didn't know better, I would think these girls are your daughters. Although you have obviously been here a long time, I'm surprised that you are. It's like the old line "I'm surprised your still single". This is a discussion board. Definition = discuss the subject matter. As long as the discussion doesn't insult the girls, or put them in danger, all is open for comments. Each one of us has a right to say we like something or we don't. Each one of us has the right to comment on whether we feel we're getting out money's worth or not. And each one of us has the right to disagree. And we also have the right to change our minds. What we don't have is the right to criticize each other for our opinions. To insult our intelligence by telling us what we should think, or how we should think it. This thread was going just fine until you jumped-the-shark and start telling us what idiots we are and how mad you are. Chill out! This is a discussion board - not an argument board. We all are paying the same amount and we all have the same rights. Just because we start chatting about which apts. we like the best and which we would like to see flushed isn't reason to condemn us. We're just like you - trying to have a good time and enjoying talking about it.
  14. I think something needs to be said as well. It's not like we are waiting around for sex all the time. We all enjoy that, of course, but that's not the primary reason that makes a good apartment. Interactions, nudity at times, playfullness, discussions, company, parties, watching TV, and a multitude of daily life activities. To put it shortly, VARIATION. When an apartment falls into a routine that contains fewer variations, it become boring. Even if an apartment had sex 24/7, it would eventually get boring. At this point, Danaya and Adele Eat, Sleep, go to Clubs (apt empty), and walk around naked. They are beautiful girls, but we can see "naked" in a thousand places. We need variation to make things worth watching.
  15. Here's my suggestions for apts that need flushed... Zoya and Lev - Gone, just gone. Carla & Mario - I'm tired of watching an adult woman spending time with a 14 year old. Carina and Sabrina - "Butch" doesn't interest me at all, and "Blue" isn't enough to save it. Suzan and Hector - Suzan is a knockout, but the dynamic in the apartment just doesn't fit - and the rotie is always the same. Danaya and Adele - I hated too add this one, but they spend more time out of the apartment than in - and I could live with that, except when they are there, they are either eating of calling to arrange for their next club night. Two girls walking around naked is no more than a lot of free stuff on the internet. What do you folks think?
  16. Zoya came back today - looked a little under the weather though. Can only hope Lev won't return, but I'm guessing that's wishful thinking.
  17. Yury, We need to thank you for your translations :) It makes following what's going on far more enjoyable.
  18. That was my meaning. Would love if Zoya came back WITHOUT Lev. I can't imagine what she ever saw in him.
  19. Happened to catch Lev leaving this morning at 7:38, apparently left a note for Zoya (but I hope she doesn't come back).
  20. First contact between Kami's BF and Kristie was cold... but after her bath, she came out for a few minutes and actually said a few words to him, and visa-versa. She even laughed at something. Maybe, just maybe, this will work out.
  21. Kami, BF, and another couple were in the living room for a get together, setting up a game. Kristie walked through the room to the Guest room to get a blanket. Kami's BF stared at her the entire way. When Kristie left, BF said something in Kiami's ear, and Kami turned to him with what looked like "Leave her alone". The BF then threw his hands up in the air.
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