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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. I think it's interesting that they were in the same room for about 30 minutes. That's at least moving in the right direction.
  2. My (strong) belief is the girls are more or less left to their own designs. They know they are being watched, and they know a good audience will result in their contracts will be renewed, or at least they will stay on an invitation list to return. To them, it's a business; do something worth watching and you get free rent, a paycheck, and invited back. There simply isn't any need to tell the girls "how" to do that.
  3. For those that think this is all scripted, let me pose a scenario to think about. If RLC was writing the script, why hasn't Aida walked in while Adele & Danaya were "faking" sex? OR why doesn't RLC instruct Aida and Adele to fake sex? Or why doesn't Aida ask a guy in and fuck his brains out so the girls could hear her? Or why don't the girls bring home some guys for an orgy? THAT would be scripting. Suggesting they walk through the house naked or share a bath or play touchy-feely isn't scripting - that's simply suggesting how they can get a larger audience - and my guess is those things are obvious enough that RLC doesn't have to tell them.
  4. No one is claiming she is having an affair, I only brought it up because "school" doesn't usually require regular overnights and 30-40 hours away from home. Her actions are very possibly totally innocent - but if my wife was away that long and that often, I am sure the neighbors would be wondering. I simply thought it would be interesting to record her schedule and see if it suggested anything. This IS a voyeur site, no? And have I missed it or does she ever study that would suggest she's going to school?
  5. This apartment is going to be up all night - all four of them have slept half the day away.
  6. Geez guys, LOL. Ok, I do have an opinion that the instructions are minimal and there is no scripting - HOWEVER - why does the maintenance issue have to prove or disprove this? Everyone seems to think all you have to do is open the front door for the new girl and on with the cameras. Besides the front door, there is a tour of the apartment, instructions on how various appliances work, moving the girl into her room and examining how everyone moves toward the master bedroom as people leave, a review of the contract including rules (like you can't cover your cam, ever.), local stores and restaurants, contacts and emergency numbers, keys and codes for the security system, and time to sit with the existing girls and chat a bit - maybe share a meal. Under the best case that will take hours, and if something goes wrong (like an argument between Adele and Aida, then it could drag out longer. I can't buy the fact that they hand out scripts, and even do practice runs? Really? This isn't a TV show (if it was I'd just watch porn - that IS scripted). In the end, it doesn't matter what any of us believe - if we enjoy it, we pay the money and watch. The problems start when we try and convince each other we're the only ones that know the truth. If one of us actually gets to inhabit one of these apartments, then we can share that information - although it's probably in your contract that you can't.
  7. Leora is home after about 30 hours, and her and Paul ar going out at 9pm.
  8. I understand you've seen a lot more (and I'm not there yet), but life itself is too interesting to have to make things up. I can see RLC putting personalities together that would create some drama, but I don't see them actually writing script or behavioral patterns for the girls to follow. First of all, it's too much effort, and second of all it would start to look like a TV show. In this case they put Aida with Adele, likely knowing there was friction there to create drama - but what these girls do day to day are their own actions, no one else's. I've said before that I think the RLC formula is simple; "Here's the cameras, here's your roommates, do what you want, but audience participation will determine if your contract is renewed." Simple and dramatic in of itself. Just my 2 cents :)
  9. Overnights and up to 48 hours at a time? Not sure about that.
  10. We all know Leora leaves the apartment for extended periods. We don't know where she goes. I thought it would be interesting to track her "adventures" here - might even find a pattern. As of today, she has been gone a day and a half...
  11. Things can always change, but it appears that Danaya now has a friendly relationship with Aida, and also Adele (of course) but Adele and Aida refuse to acknowledge each other. This will probably work, but be uncomfortable. If Adele leaves first, things will prob be ok. If Danaya leaves first it's going to be fireworks.
  12. Just thinking out loud - if Aida left at 11:15 and Nora is anywhere close, it's possible Nora put her up for the night. It's almost 2:30 there now and I doubt Aida went out clubbing by herself.
  13. That Maintenance Outage was VERY long, so it stands to reason the move in didn't go as planned. I wish I was a fly on the wall, as they say.
  14. I'm going to revise my previous comment above. At the time I didn't stop to think that photos captured on CAM4 are not the same as RLC captured photos. Blue owns the photos/video that appears on the CAM4 cameras and has the right to limit their distribution to the public. As RLC subscribers, we have a right to watch her from the side cam in her room - that's what we pay for. If she were to block that camera, I would then have a point - but as of this time, she has not done that. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I am admitting it. If Blue reads this crap we write, I do apologize for my outburst based on an incorrect understanding, and I apologize to the readers for jumping to conclusions.
  15. D&A got into some more touchy-feely tonight (pics later) but I get the distinct feeling they are trying to save their invitations back at a later date. If they don't get those invitations, they won't be able to vacation on someone else's money. They just may push the envelope to stay on the list.
  16. Danaya is no leader, even if she has earned the master bedroom due to time. I wouldn't expect her to try and fix anything at this point. In all truth, I think we have a lost apartment here till at least Dayana leaves - then the dynamic will go silent when A&A are the only ones there.
  17. Watching Kami today with her boyfield, she hardly smiled, almost looked miserable, and apparently had a headache. Watching her tonight with Kristie, she's more animated, laughing, and generally enjoying herself. Please Kami, don't commit to this guy. There's something out there much more deserving of you.
  18. I respect your opinion, but again, I do not believe this environment is scripted. This is not a movie, it's 3 girls put into an apartment and told everything you do will be on camera, and what you do is up to you. It very well may be that the girls involved are hetero, but it could turn out they might experiment. There is no advantage for RLC to script behaviors when real behaviors are more interesting. Personally, I highly doubt D&A or K&K will do much more than they have already - but not because RLC is scripting it - it's because these are the wrong girls to expect that from.
  19. The major difference between my statement and your answer is that you believe (I think) that most everything is scripted - I do not. I have said many times the RLC equation is simple; Here's the cameras, do what you want, but audience participation determines whether you get invited back or not. Under this set of rules, anything could happen. Under your set of rules, nothing will happen. If RLC has couple apartments where sex is often and visible, there's no reason to think they have scripted the girls apartments NOT to have such things happen.
  20. Leora out again tonight. Every time I try and remind myself she's probably with her girlfriend(s), I just can't quite get my head around that. I want to believe her nights out are innocent, but I have to be honest - if my girl was out overnight that much, I wouldn't be able to not think about it.
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