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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. Sorry for my outburst, but it takes a lot to push my buttons, and he surpassed it.
  2. All I can do is shake my head. Why? Because your position is not based in reality. Period. According to you, the girls family cannot visit if they don't want to be on camera when taking a shower. According to you, if a guest wants to have sex with their spouse while visiting, they must do it in front of the camera. Why? Because you paid $45 to see everything, all the time, no matter who. Apparently, you have no concept of personal rights. These people did not sign an RLC agreement, and it is not legal to tell those that have that their parents can't visit without being filmed. Do us a favor and either get real, grow up, or keep your damn $45.
  3. How many times does one have to repeat - the sex session was real. Period. How do I know? I have the complete video. And I refuse to post it for a few reasons; (1) RLC would likely ban me, and (2) if the full video was posted, it's likely Kami would not risk doing it again. There is no doubt watching the video the sex was real. After a couple minutes, however, she physically removed him from her and avoided any further action. I think she came to her senses and stopped it cold. Surprisingly enough, they were both smiling, but CB was obviously frustrated. The whole event took almost 2 hours and I got the last 22 minutes. Like it or not, it was real. Why Kami stopped it is probably because she's still not sure where their relationship is, and didn't want to commit yet. End of "real versus fake" discussion, please.
  4. Harley, Harley, Harley... I have to assume you don't believe in personal rights? Kami's parents had every legal right to ask for the cameras to be turned off. And wanting to see "if the apple fell far from the tree?" Really Harley??
  5. Ah, then she still had serious doubts after sex. It's good that she is still trying to figure out if this is right. Again, thank you for your efforts :)
  6. Per your time stamp, this happened before sex, yes? .and was there any other conversation before sex? PS: Your translations are invaluable :)
  7. Just something off the top of my head.... sometimes it makes sense, and others times, not so much. I think if we're open to the idea, we all could learn a lot from the girls. If you've watched since they have both been in the apt, or looked at some of the captures on CC, doesn't it strike you as interesting that Kristy and Kami are still themselves around each other? Both recently relieved their sexual tension - in ways that are probably not favored by the other - BUT - smiles, respect, and life goes on. Yesterday, I think many of us made fools of ourselves assuming and concluding things we had no business doing. Sure, I said that I didn't think Kristy should spend time with her old boyfriend and that Kami should stay away from CB, but that's where all our opinions should have stopped. We witnessed a high sexual tension scenario with Kami, and I suspect would have seen the same with Kristy had we had the chance. Let's grow up guys. We are privileged to share the life of these two beautiful girls because they let us - lets respect their decisions, sit back, and smile - just like Kristy and Kami are still doing.
  8. I think the girls asked the apartment go under maintenance while her parents are there - perfectly understandable since her parents didn't sign an RLC contract LOL. I suspect it will be out for a couple days until they leave. Not going to be anything to see anyway.
  9. I was with you until you got to "as it was planned". I simply do not understand people who continue to think RLC plans this stuff. Some of you folks wouldn't recognize real life if it was in your face.... oh, wait. It is, and you don't LOL
  10. Quote from mitsoulas33; " in my opinion the girls take the respect they worth after having decided to expose their selves in RLC " That pretty much proves he thinks he's better. I suppose it never occurred to him that watching this stuff kinda levels the playing field LOL.
  11. I am considering it. She started the evening convinced NOT to have sex. She spent 2 hours trying to avoid his advances. I can't tell you how many times he tried to kiss her or touch her and she turned away. But after two hours of being aroused, and probably horny as hell, and still having feelings for the guy as to not want to hurt him, she gives in - in underwear - spur of the moment decision... More important question; Why is sex measured by being naked and cumming?
  12. It's sad when someone wants so bad to be right they convince themselves to be cynical to the end. To call this staged is to reduce RLC to nothing more than a porn studio. Period. Almost two hours of Kami trying to resist her urges and finally giving in to that inner feeling that we all have known. If this would have been staged, it would have been 30 minutes - an hour at most. To call it staged doesn't insult us, it insults Kami.
  13. Why am I still up? LOL I guess it's because I'm still a bit tipsy after watching Kami tonight :) Never thought I would be so lucky. A lot of discussion has come and gone tonight - much of the left field stuff from non-regular posters I might point out. I think most of us are over the shock, and after watching the video about 20 times, I notice I'm enjoying Kami's facial expressions more than noticing who is giving her those feelings I'm much more interested in Kami being happy than I am who she dates - and this ridiculous discussion about how this defines her is exactly that - ludicrous. I'm going to get up in the morning with a smile - and hope that I get another chance to see Kami with that look on her face again.
  14. Another post that makes sense. I was disappointed tonight, but not because Kami fucked some guy. I was disappointed because I rated cokeboy as "unworthy" of her affection. That said, the ONLY way my opinion counts, however, is if I was her father - and I'm not. Me, you, no one here has a right to "pick" Kami's boyfriend. Yes, we have a right to say we don't like him, but if - in the end - she marries this guy, it's her decision - not ours. Everyone is saying Kami needs to grow up - but from tonight's discussion I think a few of us need to do that as well. Oh, one more thing. Kami got fucked tonight. It's not the end of the world. Most of us get have sex 5-10,000 times in a lifetime ( i read that somewhere) and this was just ONE time with some guy we don't like. A pretty minor event other than it was the first time I saw Kami do it :D
  15. We'll let others chime in Joe, cause I could have missed it, but Kristy has been gone for a couple days. If you notice, her bed is made.
  16. Geez guys, there's more Drama on this board than there is on RLC. We all know she was living with and fucking this guy for months. Nothing new here other than (1) we got to see it and (2) we thought she was done with this guy. As far as (2) she obviously changed her mind - maybe. I did notice she is still hesitant to really kiss him, she turned him down for a second go around, stopped him from fingering her, and like I said - it looked like she made him pull out the first time before he came - and I don't think he did (but that's my opinion). As far as (1) is concerned, it was a little surprising because I think she never had any intention to do it in the apartment. Life being what it is, however, she was probably horny as hell and this guy worked 2 hours to convince her. It's certainly not the first time that's happened. And as far as all this talk about virgins, grow up fella's. I don't think ANY girls that have passed through RLC were virgins before they got here. Most of these girls probably started with sex in High School, if not Jr. High. Ok, so one of our great mysteries is over = "Will Kami have sex in the apartment?". Yes. 2nd Mystery: Will Kristy have sex in the apartment? I sure hope so. 3rd Mystery: Will Kami and Kristy have sex together in the apartment? That would make my year I'm still curious if this will last with cokeboy however. The fact that he spent 2 hours seducing her bothers me some. Time will tell.
  17. Rewatching the "event", I may be wrong, but I don't think she let him cum. I can't be sure if she did or not, but she definitely made him pull out which kinda put a cold shower on it. At least that's what it looked like.
  18. I want to get something straight here; I'm not mad at Kami - I'm disappointed she fell for the seduction he planned for this evening. When you want to have sex with someone, no one has to spend 2 hours convincing you of it. He played with her physical needs and got what he wanted. It remains to be seen if this is what she really wanted.
  19. She did say those things in the translations Yury and Kitek did. Tonight she gave in to her emotions and obviously broke her own rules. It's not a matter of being wrong, it's a matter of emotions sometimes being stronger than will.
  20. And now it starts with him again. We get to watch it likely go through the same pattern, with him eventually coming over and she wishing he would leave. Ugh. and to miscvoyeur, it's not jealousy, it's knowing she can be happier with someone else. I really doubt he is going to chage from what she hated 2 weeks ago.
  21. The last thing I want to see is these two getting it on. She was depressed all the time when they were dating, and it's just a matter of time before it happens again. He's trying his best to seduce her - but at least (so far) she's keeping to her promise of no sex in the apartment. But I wouldn't bet a quarter what she will doo outside the apartment - in fact - it might have happened earlier today when she was gone. It's just plain depressing because he's not the right guy for her.
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