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Everything posted by tredm

  1. Like everyone else, i'm so glad to see that Aida now has someone to talk to while the two absentee roommates are, well...absent as usual...probably at a party?!
  2. I was one of the people that offered my opinion that the 'extended' maintenance might be due to a party the girls were reportedly going to...sorry i was wrong. it was just a thought...just an opinion. i'll do my best to never be wrong again...geeeze...i wonder what those spiking the ball would have said had i and others been right? By the way, i also suggested it may have been to clean the kitchen...i was wrong about that as well.
  3. LOL... I don't doubt you at all. I've heard this before from other members. By the way, i own a small business...if i 'brushed off' my customers like this, i wouldn't have any left. Whatever happened to 'the customer is always right'?!
  4. It seems to me that RLC owes all paying members a brief explanation when a room goes under maintenance...after all, they are the 'customers', i.e., 24/7! I can understand why the rest of us might not deserve such but...paying customers?
  5. Still under maintenance? Is it just a coincidence that the girls were going out tonight for a party? hmmm...
  6. Agree and agree...i've heard nothing but great stuff about K&K...If i were to join RLC now, they would be the reason. And, it was Irma and Anna than first attracted me to RLC as i had not been there before. After the famous massage scene (which i was fortunate to see thanks to the posted videos), i almost joined but went away for a week, came back and things seems different. I too look for the interaction between the girls and remain hopeful that this room may change but, it is testing my patience.
  7. I agree. Once again, i'm glad i'm not an RLC paying member considering how little i've missed. It's sad when my imagination is 10x better than the actual apartment. Hey, maybe adele had it shut down cause aida was talking to danaya again?
  8. Maybe RLC took my advice to put the apartment under maintenance each time the girls leave the apartment so some of us in camcaps don't complain about how the girls are never in the apartment?
  9. Again...and now the speculation? kitchen cleaning, adele leaving early, major fight so Nora had to intervene, more shower problems, camera in adeles room break...hmmm...wonder why?
  10. Hey...is this a plot...i just got here, i.e., 2:32 only to find out the apartment went under maintenance 5 minutes ago??? How did they know i was coming? scary! Anyway, probably just to clean the kitchen and house again...yes?
  11. Yuri, on a picture, said that adele has a 'new' boyfriend. Tonight they sleep, tomorrow..a party. both will go i assume. in short, i'm guessing they are going to resort to night time excursions but, we will see. That's about all i know. I would hope adele would go see boyfriend alone and leave danaya home but...that woud leave her with aida...not likely to happen...adele would lose control.
  12. I've heard they read some of them sometimes but i'm not sure. Based on the comments, they should be giving us the finger or something?? darn...looks like adele's staying home!
  13. looks like danaya gonna sleep...please adele, go clubbing by yourself...we'll watch danaya and make sure she behaves (hee hee)
  14. I hope adele goes clubbing by herself tonight...she deserves a night out by herself! opps..there she is in danaya's room giving danaya her orders for the evening...
  15. why is adele hiding downstairs? is she waiting for aida and danaya to 'get together' again so she can break it up?
  16. is it just me or adele getting wider and wider? I just looked at the last pictures. I understand adele broke up another aida/danaya union...too bad for danaya...she might actually find someone who actually, really would treat her with respect instead of control...control...control.... By the way, you can only control someone for so long before it backfires...when, depends on the intelligence of the person being controlled.
  17. danaya should seek permission from owner to enter aida's room....NOT...danaya's too owned to even think of it! anyway, i'm glad. aida needs to stay away from infected danaya! I'm out of here for a while.. i get ill watching danaya cowtow to adele. Adele must be very proud.
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