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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. It's as plausible as any of the other suggestions being made, so why not! In a nutshell Martina may have, unfortunately, 'burned her bridges' There may be no way back and the troubled waters are too deep to cross
  2. Stranger things have happened, but it's far more likely that a few home truths and confidences will be shared, if anything. If they are on speaking terms, that is. So don't hold your breath, to avoid disappointment!
  3. The concern I'd have is that if Martina already lent money to Alberto towards his property purchase deposit, he still owes her money, even now and the RLC income he gets will surely be shared with his new partner. It could be some time before he has enough to put towards the property he wants to buy and I wonder how long the vendors will wait for him to find the money? The whole deal could fall through entirely if things drag on for months. It seems a lot more complicated than simply having him earning money from RLC to fulfil his financial obligations. Martina must have been very understanding to give him so much time to repay her and may be less patient now that she's quit the apartment for good and left him on less than amicable terms.
  4. Always thought snakes preferred the long grass, not the scorched earth! Looks like a crocodile in the background at the top of the photo but I'm sure it's not. They prefer to be up to their neck's in water!
  5. Yes, it's been up and down, or on and off like a bride's nightie, much of the day. As long as we can get back in again sooner or later I can live with that.
  6. In your dreams! LOL But Paradise may have to be postponed!
  7. There seem to be an awful lot of dwarves in these two buildings. I wonder why that is? Are there perhaps seven of them, as I've lost count of the number of males employed around here who appear to be vertically-challenged in the eyes of so many tall types on this forum.....
  8. Absolutely! We just need to be patient and see how it all unfolds. I don't for one moment see Alberto as heartless, and in the circumstances, which are surely very trying for all of them, I think they are both doing well to make the best of an extremely difficult set of circumstances.
  9. They do say be careful what you wish for. And you can't put the genie back in the bottle, either Sad to say Martina wanted to have her cake and eat it and probably didn't think Alberto would strike it lucky the way he did. He may still have been satisfied with the status quo, but now things may have gone too far. Maybe.
  10. The plot thickens! I'm sure that there will be many more twists and turns in this saga over the coming days and weeks, as everything unravels in the lives of these two and their respective love interests. Nothing is off the table at this stage. The arrivals and departures on a daily basis make the place as intriguing as a busy train terminal!
  11. The soap opera continues! Characters come and go but the audience remains loyal. For now.
  12. Ships that pass in the night! Or the day shift taking over from the night shift to keep the home fires burning!
  13. Just curious: Was that Eastern Europe, Southern Europe or Northern Europe? And was that in restaurants or around family members, in the home?.... I think you answered that earlier. Hadn't read your 'no further comment' post at that stage.
  14. Not exactly! Leora is often seen reading serious literature at home and always has done
  15. That's much the impression I formed too. The fact that Alberto and Martina are still sharing a bed tells us a great deal. The way both of them are showing maturity in their modified relationship speaks volumes.
  16. Curious to know what 'probably pushing 3 bills plus' means, exactly? It's not an expression I'm familiar with. Is it some kind of American slang? Or a topical comment of some kind? I'm always coming across and learning new terms on here, maybe due to my advanced age and not keeping up to date with new vocabulary, but it's always fun to learn!
  17. Alberto needs to keep his strength up, so it's time to eat! These two are showing their maturity as a couple, living in modern times, both of them behaving without any awkwardness whatsoever. No sign of any 'controlling' behaviour from Martina as suggested often by a certain forum member.
  18. She seems happy enough to me. Both engaging in the kitchen quite amicably.
  19. Nothing more has been said about the potential collapse of Alberto's house-purchase plans, if indeed he really did have the financial resources to buy a house of his own after previously being in serious debt. Perhaps, realising this, Martina has suggested Alberto stay on in the apartment if he can find a suitable partner to move in with him, eventually; someone who can accept the cameras and being gradually 'brought up to speed' for the benefit of RLC subscribers and Albert himself, until he sorts his finances out. Then again, Martina may have no serious plans to move out either, despite the assumption that she wants to move on (or out) with her GF. As usual there's nothing but conjecture on our part, but with these two still sharing a bed and appearing to be content with the status quo, for all its quirks and unexpected twists and turns, I think as viewers we should just enjoy the lifestyle these two are leading and appreciate what we see and not try too hard to moralise or apply our own values on their way of life We should expect the unexpected and enjoy it all at face value!
  20. I'm pretty sure that with more familiarity she would become far less inhibited and open up to taking more of the initiative. These things take time to grow. As for Martina she's almost certainly aware that it might happen and wouldn't have a leg to stand on if she didn't approve, anyway! She may even have taken a sleeping pill for all we know...
  21. There is certainly holy communion taking place here...
  22. Unfortunately I think your efforts to inform forum members about the round-ball game, like those of Aussie's to evangelise about the down-under oval ball game, are lost on many living on the other side of the Atlantic or Pacific! Though the Rugby Union World Cup, currently on in Paris, might not even interest 'four-goalpost' Aussie, let alone any of our North American friends. South Americans, on the other hand, might see things differently.
  23. Good to see your positivity in this instance. Unfortunately there's a lot of negativity on the forum these days and anyone expressing positivity, or any form of empathy with the tenants or guests, is often derided and labelled as either a shill or a 'cock-lover', to quote some of the regular naysayers. A very reasonable reaction to Eva's departure. Never ideal being a long-term guest and unable to behave as naturally as you would in your own place.
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