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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Ignorant? Or merely irrational? :-))
  2. Another good post. Much of this applies to me as well. The independent streak and railing against one's upbringing and making one's own choices in life after a certain youthful age, especially. Table manners are a sure sign of upbringing, but we can't be too critical as some cultures eat with their hands, rather than with cutlery (or chopsticks) and how they eat can be confronting to some who eat in an altogether different fashion.
  3. It would appear that there's more than one organisation using the same name, so the trademark is not universal! So much for Google! Thanks for the clarification.
  4. I'd assumed that Olga TV was a Russian TV channel, never having heard of it before. But, apparently, it's a British TV production company! Assuming that is what you were referring to, of course. The name Olga is typically a Russian one, hence my first assumption.
  5. Many of whom like to contribute their one-liners on this forum!
  6. OK. Was hoping it was Megan and Shantal instead! Didn't miss too much then!
  7. I missed them too and I am usually able to check daily for new ones. These must have been pretty good to disappear so fast! If there's any chance to repost I for one would certainly appreciate it. It was an exciting day at the apartment and for once I was too busy to check at least twice a day in order not to miss anything worthwhile!
  8. Great to see Eva back. One of the most intriguing and exciting of tenants, over the years and always full of surprises. An all-time favourite. Certainly one of mine!
  9. Flat as a board! And she doesn't have to pay for her own board!!!
  10. Plus, these days, every convenience store in even the most conservative of nations, sells lube alongside condoms at the front counter, so no need to even take any away with you!
  11. One of many fine posts back in the day from an old friend, henriPas, who we haven't seen much of for some time.
  12. I think I know what Dee is referring to. There is a need for him to examine EVERY apartment's threads, one by one, to ascertain if ANY individual one of them has any new pictures or videos posted during the previous 24-48 hours. That means for those who like to see pictures or videos from ANY apartment, not just a select few of them, it takes a lot of time to see if EACH apartment has anything new on a daily basis. Obviously Premium members don't need to worry about them disappearing, so that is a clear advantage enabled by having a Premium subscription.
  13. Also sometimes known as a 'continental quilt'. I guess that's for those who don't like using 'foreign-sounding' words! :-))
  14. Some very nice shots, there, with previously unseen facial expressions. Thanks for posting this collection today.
  15. As a misanthrope HFB has only one equal and his initials are FZ!!!
  16. Spoke too soon, Omedo! Megan IS back! Which is a real surprise. They must have been working on getting her back for a while and finally got her to return. Hence the long wait for Shantal to have a new room mate. Patience is rewarded.
  17. Hopelessly lost in translation, this one, I'm afraid.....
  18. First cake decorating and now THIS! Don't try this at home!
  19. I'm guessing that Tim tiptoes through the tulips, then?
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