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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. I had no issue with either of those files. They were quite long but otherwise sound in every way. I never got any message remotely like 'Click Allow to Continue.' I wouldn't click on a pop up but I never got any anywhay
  2. It looks like Leora nagged Paul into going back to work with all her yacking yesterday! Good play! Had the whole day to herself and we had her to ourselves too!
  3. If Leora spied for Russia there soon wouldn't be any secrets left in the West!
  4. Maybe she's trying to give him the hint? "See what happens when you stay home instead of going to work? I nag, nag, nag all day." Let's see if he gets sick of it quickly and heads back to work tomorrow! I thought she was saying something quite serious to him, rather than just yacking, however. Something like leaving the project as it was no longer tolerable, due to the many negative posts. She seemed to be reading to him off some messages on her phone so I assumed the worst, that it was us! Hopefully it was just her asking him to buy something more to keep her amused....
  5. If only we could speak Russian and if the volume was high enough to hear it!
  6. Fair assessment probably, though many of our conclusions are largely speculation. They may even be contemplating what we are saying about them even as we speak since they seem to be discussing something very deeply at the moment. I always try not to jump to conclusions as there are so many issues we are unaware of, mental health, or health in general, circumstances in their families, all manner of things come into play. But your assessment seems reasonably sound and fair from what we can see for ourselves at least.
  7. Thanks Howard for the retro video. One of her best and certainly worth seeing again. The coveted Seal of Approval is well deserved.
  8. Oh I see. I couldn't grasp what he meant at all. The automatic translation is so poor. It's not what he was saying, but what the translation tried so inadequately to tell me that was an issue for me. I thought he was maybe even suggesting that Paul had been abusing Leora, which couldn't be further from the truth, especially now. So he was suggesting that Paul was malingering. I'm surprised that in Russia you can get time off work for a few cuts and abrasions, which is a country that I thought had much tougher labour laws, but as you say, Iwishicould, he may be suffering from shock as well and came off his bike in a traumatic way. The bike may be out of commission too, but I haven't looked in the hall lately Leora is obviously doing her best to comfort him and take care of his needs as any decent woman would. The bike is still in the hall, so it's not a write-off, but maybe it's not roadworthy at the moment. Can't see Paul needing much more time off work, but maybe he has a boss who's flexible with his hours and told him to recover properly before going back to work?
  9. Would love to know what this is intended to mean as the translation doesn't register at all. Is it an intended slight on Paul or Leora, for instance? I'm completely in the dark on this one. Is it a conspiracy theory of some kind that's being put forward here?...
  10. You really should be putting this in the Comments section, especially when it is this verbose.
  11. We know who they are, of course, as we noticed when they lost their own shared place that they began to stay for days at a time at Nelly's place, being old friends of theirs. What we don't know is how long ago this clip was recorded, recently or prior to them getting their own short-lived shared apartment. Great work to find it niininch!
  12. Happy to report that the latest video worked perfectly and after making some memory adjustments the first one did eventually as well. Much appreciated and the fast posting made it even more gratifying.
  13. Yes, this is one very determined woman when it comes to bating. Each bate needs to be better than and different from the last one and variety is Leora's calling card. I think Leora has an amazing erotic imagination and conjures up images while she is bating that only she could imagine. The phone images or messages that get her in the mood are a mystery to most of us, if not all. I do wonder sometimes if she's even looking at 'guides to better orgasms for women through masturbation' and trying to copy the methods espoused online. Probably not, it may be just images or videos. Heaven knows if she has perverse tastes in men (or even in women) that help her get off. We've seen her changing positions so many times during her workouts, as well as the props she uses, cushions, dildo etc, and the locations, most of the time with her loyal fans in mind. There's only one Leora and for every person who complains that her bates are repetitive she has always managed to defy them with more and more variations in her sessions, whether they be short or long. Thanks for the videos and they are very much appreciated.
  14. Success! Despite the dog! Every time Leora got into the zone the dog caused a disturbance. How on earth she can stay focussed with that barking going on I'll never understand. It seems she needed to restart at least twice, but this time it looked a lot more powerful than the climax in the GR with the dildo. I think the twin stimulation of both orifices worked a treat for her here. I had a fair idea the first bate was far from satisfactory and that we'd see a second and better attempt soon enough. Lucky to be able to watch all of them live, which doesn't always happen and thankfully there was no finishing off in the bathroom or bedroom, despite the clear provocation from Eva!
  15. Probably a memory issue with my machine. I'll try again later as I'm sure it's fine, just a bigger file than the second one which did work first time. Great work!
  16. Good man! The picture I was watching was freezing constantly. Wasn't sure if Leora was entirely satisfied with that effort. Looked a bit flat at the finish, by her usual standards and on that basis she may go for a reprise later, if there's an opportunity. Second one worked fine, but first one wouldn't play for me, at least...... I wonder if anyone else had any issues with it. Second one was excellent of course!
  17. It was a good one, though, not one I'd seen at least. Many thanks for finding it and doing it again successfully.
  18. It's already under way and barely a pause for breath since the second one. A real trooper and Leora has stamina to burn. Maybe that's the idea? My prescription of three times a day for three weeks has got off to a great start!
  19. I would like to prescribe the same, but three times a day for the next three weeks. That should be a decent enough dose to dispose of the flab and to keep all of our spirits up. What it won't cure is her cravings for unhealthy snacks.
  20. Well little point staying home if she can't indulge in her favourite pastime! When it happens it will be all the sweeter for us all. Maybe tomorrow.
  21. At the moment it is looking like IKEA has no IDEA, as usual! I mean how hard it is to put their furniture together without some parts being left over! Paul and Leora look as baffled as the rest of us.
  22. Obviously you're both correct, but while I seldom criticise Paul, it was his action of leaving Leora so soon after ejaculation to go and clean himself up, that I was referring to, rather than being pathetic in general. I thought he might think about taking care of her immediate needs before his own, in this instance. That's all.
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