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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Must be a super strong ironing board! Unless you meant leaning over it...
  2. She did her best! I think the bathroom which provides her with some degree of privacy, should he suddenly return, is not the answer for her, like it used to be, to finish off. Just when she looked to have returned to the LR to do so there's a knock at the door - or whatever - and she jumps up to let him in. I guess they have some kind of an agreement that he doesn't let himself into the apartment in case it's going to disturb her, so he knocks or rings which is something at least. She must be suffering from the female equivalent of blue balls right now!
  3. I wonder what Leora will think if she watches this again. She was certainly very nubile in this video and while you can't stop the aging process you can slow it down. I suspect Leora might want to think about resuming her fitness regime, though that's her personal choice, of course. Still very attractive and desirable, pay it forward another five years and she may think more exercise could be beneficial. This is not a criticism btw. At least not in any way that is meant to offend the lovely lady's sensibilities.
  4. Doubt that baldy would care much. More of interest to Eva, though she seems quite polygomous anyway. But take your point about how far away baldy is from them both on the bed and yet they are quite uninhibited. Better move these posts to the Masha, Sasha and Dasha page though!
  5. btw I couldn't get the mab to open for me this time, but the zippyshare worked fine so I used that instead and I don't usually have any issues with either. Probably just a temporary down time for mab at the moment. Thanks again for loading it up so quickly and sharing the pleasure with us all.
  6. Good insights there, as you obviously had a better chance to see much more than I did about what happened, in the bathroom, especially. Sounds like you got it spot on and glad they have this figured out between them in such a mature way. It worked well in the end. Unusual part was that Leora moved from bathroom to GR when she often finishes pretty well without difficulty in the bathroom. Maybe Paul had an urgent need to go there so she quickly hopped off to the GR instead...
  7. Do you think Paul was hoping to get some action and just woke up at the wrong time? Or if he knew exactly what she was up to and didn't want to interrupt her? He joined her in the GR right after they'd both been in the bathroom so I wonder if he thought she'd be up for round two immediately!
  8. Looks like Leora took a big risk just now with Paul at home. She began in the LR and then got to the excited stage and switched to the bathroom before moving to the GR to finish off as obviously it wasn't working this time in the tub. Spotted on the thumbnails as soon as she'd finished Paul in the bathroom and moments later Leora reached there too. I wonder if he just let her get on with it or if she took a chance and got away with it? I couldn't get vision to load myself but I could see from the thumbnails what was going down in those three locations.
  9. Not sure that answered the question though....why go on punishing yourself by upsetting yourself with something you can't change?
  10. Nothing happened, Mab failed to load, just hung indefinitely. But the link Domus provided had their names and not the link expressed the way you showed it, assuming this is the same thing. Yours seems to be working OK so assuming it's the same video thanks for the link. No idea why yours show https://etc while his show the names of the people in the video
  11. Bathing is what you normally do when you go to the beach for a swim! But I've heard bathe before in this context when referring to taking a bath. On the other hand washing up refers to doing the dishes in most English countries, but well don't we know from TV and films that it means undergoing some personal ablutions in the bathroom, without necessarily running the shower or a bath, in some parts of the West!
  12. Hope was trying to trick us! After all, it was his capture, wasn't it?!
  13. Different strokes for different folks. I think this may be the case here. We are often surprised by how some of these couples relate to one another and they are definitely a mixed bunch! Nelly and Bogdan would have to be the most well-adjusted couple on here by far and I've never seen any tension between them at any time. They are Russian too, so it can't be a purely Russian thing. In many ways we are privileged to see how different couples get along, Anabel and Efim, for instance, don't seem to argue much and are pretty open with one another. Certainly learning a lot and maybe younger couples these days, even in Russia, have quite a different attitude to things than couples who got together in the 60s and 70s for example.
  14. Some confusion here, I think. It's not MAB that baseggioleen was referring to, but Reallifecam itself. There are now times during the day when it's not possible to view inside any of the free rooms as the only button shown is to invite you to become a member. It is usually only there for a short while and with patience the additional second button allowing non-members to watch the action in the free rooms reappears. It is annoying, but it's not permanent throughout the day. Just need to try again after a while to get to watch the free action once again.
  15. It is indeed a marvelous collection and we're all very grateful to you for sharing these with us.
  16. Good point! Not being a pet-owner I wasn't aware of the distinction. Thanks for clearing that one up! :-))
  17. That incredible brief shot of Eva the dog could go viral! Clearly Eva doesn't miss much and maybe she hasn't been neutered after all! Looked like she was getting off with a cushion more easily than her mistress!
  18. Is it possible that they were both watching themselves on the live feed, he on his phone and she on her laptop? It seemed odd that either of them was doing something unrelated during these two most recent videos. It's the way of the world these days, I realise, when walking down the street and crossing the road which requires attention does not seem to interfere with phone time, but in this case I thought perhaps they were both watching themselves in action, especially him when he pulls out and sits on the bed with his condom still on as he looks at his phone, perhaps admiring himself? Could it be vanity, rather than a lack of focus, during what should be the most intimate and memorable moments spent together?
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