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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Don't disagree with you, except, like Nelly, she can play those instruments AND still have time to be a superb performer everywhere else around the house.
  2. And is the other girl completely oblivious to it and showing no empathy whatsoever? We cannot be sure, since it's only a gif not a full length video with sound.....
  3. Looks like Eva forced her to relocate to the bathroom once again just when things were getting interesting.....
  4. It's an old video, Curious, but roughly how old do you think? It's certainly well worth an airing. Many thanks
  5. Yes it was an extraordinarily long shower, I agree. I almost gave up waiting too. But when it comes to Leora patience is usually rewarded eventually. Despite the tedium beforehand.
  6. Noticed that afterwards she was looking around and at the camera, as if she was letting someone know that the performance was especially for them and hoping they liked it. At least that's what it looked like. Leora doesn't usually do that. We didn't get to see a video of that. Luckily I was able to see it all live, though the streaming wasn't the best. Lots of freezes. Actually we did. I thought that was it but there were two more. so very many thanks for that and the very fast uploading!
  7. And to think that we put up with Lev for all that time just in the hope of seeing the odd bit of excitement from his lovely girl friend. How did we last so long!
  8. At least Leora stayed in one place this time. No moving from room to room and finishing in the bathroom or bedroom thank heavens. Got to close the door early enough to let out Eva and thus managed to maintain full concentration!
  9. Wouldn't we all! Seemed faster than usual, once really under way and that may be due to her being deprived for those unavoidable days. Sometimes she has to go to great lengths to finish things off, location, position and tools etc. This time there was no stopping her. Nice one!
  10. They probably figured that after Leora disappears to the bathtub before she's finished doing her thing on the kitchen free cam, nearly every time now, they may as well make that Standard too, or all her free-followers will continue to swear and curse when she doesn't stay the course there. LOL
  11. Beatrice seems a cut above most of the others in the Barcelona girls apartment; she appears more mature, more intelligent, a much more rounded personality than the others over there, so seeing her here was a bonus as much of what happens in that huge apartment falls flat for me. Happy to see more of this woman and curious to know how much older she is than some of the others. Seems much more natural and grounded. May seem plain compared to others over there, but it's her 'girl next door' all-natural looks that resonate with me personally. Each to their own of course.
  12. In many ways Anabel reminds me of a young Kate Moss. Similar temperament and appearance. Maybe not as wild, but definitely attractive and similarly proportioned,
  13. Must be a highly intelligent and amusing raconteur, not to mention someone possessed of a wicked imagination that constantly tickles Leora's fancy, as she's smiling so much with what's been written these days. Seems she's sometimes enjoying the bawdy banter so much that she delays the actual bating! Maybe someone with broad experience, who's articulate and has a keen sense of humour and a way with women, which disqualifies many of us!! Most of us take it all too seriously!
  14. The evidence suggests that slowly but surely Leora is becoming more and more willing to do things with Paul that are more daring and open than she once did and eventually we may see the ultimate. It's not easy to know if her boundaries are broadening with him because he's giving her more latitude and acceptance to indulge herself with or without him or if she's just pushing those boundaries herself, bit by bit. I don't think in the past we'd have seen her finishing off in front of him, for instance, after copulating, so the experimentation and exploration of more fantasies could be the next stage of their intimate time together. They do seem more at ease with one another than ever so the signs do look more promising than they did when she stole moments rather than shared them. We can only wait patiently and watch developments.
  15. This maiden has more than three slips and we can dispense with all of them. She bowls us over every time and it's usually a good length, but Leora knows where to put them, her fingers that is, and if she calls for the extra equipment you know she's going to hang around. She's the perfect night watchwoman too, keeps us up as long as the mood takes her. I do declare. She's also a turner and likes to mix it up a bit to keep us guessing. As Henry Blofeld might say upon seeing Leora. "Oh my word! That is a beauty!"
  16. Can't say I'm too thrilled about her ironing naked, though, pretty easy on the eye though it certainly can be for us. I recall her burning her thigh badly on the oven when cooking naked and while I didn't see that happen and the aftermath suggested she took the burn in her stride, there's no joy in being burnt with an iron, should an accident occur, as can happen in the home. It's a nice touch to bring the ironing board into the LR so we can see her at work as nature intended, but it is a little worrying even if she is a very careful girl. I also wonder how long before she injures herself on the iron edges of the couch in the GR when she gets to the stage of throwing caution to the wind at the finish and slides down to the carpet for the final flourish. If she's not careful one day she'll bang her head or hurt her back, but let's hope she can avoid such serious consequences from losing control right at the end.
  17. I think she tried to throw us off the 'scent' after starting and then stopping for some time, to do something else on the laptop in the GR ahead of suddenly shooting off to the LR and then resuming once more, before returning to the GR again, perhaps when many of us might have assumed the show wasn't going to continue. But it did. And how! Switching rooms also looked on, but she only went to the BR to fetch her trusty friend and thus make the whole show one that was out of this world.
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