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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Nice to see Eva indulging in some pizzicato and comparing her technique with that of Julia and Leora, not to mention occasionally Nelly, who all have different approaches to this fingering fun. Eva is too far away to see in detail, but she's drinking wine as well as looking at her phone which is not something we've seen from the others as far as I can recall. Eva is clearly moving around a lot to get the best leverage even if it means leaving us unsighted at times! Is this a first for Eva in the free cam area?
  2. Must be my slow computer. Thanks for confirming it works ok
  3. Is this url correct? I have tried multiple times to get into it without success
  4. New items which show off her ass(ets) just nicely. Until she gets bored with show and it begins to tell.
  5. So much for the theory that Mira and Kai would be moving into this apartment, then......
  6. I got your sense of humour even if others didn't. But perhaps 'get it while it's hot!' would be just as provocative as 'you can thank me now', given how quickly things lose their currency these days on the various servers. That would satisfy those who like to take everything literally, if nothing else.
  7. No idea why you think this way, as I was under the impression that Leora was quite happy and content with her lot right now and in particular was enjoying a lot more compatibility with Paul than at any other time in the recent past. Not sure what brings you to this conclusion. I suppose I may be one of the few who disagree with your analysis, but I see no evidence that really supports your hypothesis.
  8. Smashing stuff! This couple can stay as long as they like!
  9. But maybe not. The arrival of a second dog may be why the carpets are rolled back...that's interesting.
  10. I'm convinced that the carpet is the issue here. Both carpets have been rolled up and it's only a day or so since they were removed and returned. I suspect allergies or dust mites causing sickness to Leora. She does, after all, tend to use those carpets a lot when in full cry. Mostly the one in the GR admittedly. It's not always healthy having carpets even if it makes a place feel warmer to some degree.
  11. Looks like 'mum' is packing. That may not be before time as far as this couple are concerned as there's a limit to what they can do when walls have ears...
  12. Possibly due to concerns about infections as many find carpets harbour bugs and are not healthy, so if Paul has been sick due to the carpets Leora would want to get rid of them, perhaps? Allergic to dust etc?
  13. What a great sequence of shots and Sam was playing his own role to perfection in this case...
  14. All a matter of personal taste, For mine Eva's, Lana's and Leora's are perfectly fine!
  15. When her legs come together, we all know it's FIN, even when we can only see the thumbails...
  16. Trying to not hurt the poor mutt's feelings. It's a juggling act with Leora knowing how much she loves her dog as well as her pussy!
  17. Some may well have though BT stood for British Telecom! But while I would use the more familiar Toy Boy myself I think I know what the original user of BT meant
  18. Dog willing, I'm sure, Leora does her best to please the free-viewers as much as she does the standard payers. Won't argue about that at all.
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