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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Yes, very noticeable from this shot. How quickly it happened, or so it seems
  2. If you tried and couldn't track her down then your conscious should be a lot clearer. These early encounters are often the most memorable and the most idyllic, in hindsight at least.
  3. Just the barking dog scenario made her change rooms. She can't lock the dog in the GR very easily or kindly but she can go to the GR and close the door on the dog to give us all a more pleasant experience. This is nothing new, btw. Nice work as always so thanks Just Man!
  4. Great! I'm not sure I entirely understand the instructions but I managed to download the two videos (I think) I have no idea, however, whose email address I'm supposed to paste in, if any, but sidestepped that part of it as it was probably spam or not needed in this instance. Anything that's ambiguous or unclear in instructions I tend to err on the side of caution or ignore so hopefully I did the right thing! And thanks for taking the trouble to re-post!
  5. This didn't last long unfortunately Although it's a safe site its links can't stay active long enough for most of us. Using mab or one of the others suggested by letsdothis could avoid future disappointment
  6. Yeah that was a shame. Clearly not the site to use even if it's a safe one, as it gets removed faster by far than any of the others. A repost via mab or similar would be very much appreciated
  7. No ritual sacrifices indeed, Howard, but the view of a different ritual altogether and one we'd be more than happy to be a party to, were we in his footwear!
  8. You're the man Howard!! Heaps of praise from me and many others I'm sure
  9. Thanks for posting. It downloaded nicely after a couple of false starts. Your contribution is much appreciated. Out of interest is this a recently taken video or one from your personal archives? Either way, it's a pretty good one and I don't recall seeing it before.
  10. I think it's called cupping. May need to Google it
  11. How to be spontaneous or excited when under 24 hours surveillance? I reckon most of us would struggle even when at our youngest and most virile. Not everybody is an exhibitionist and those who are probably prefer to express that at times of their own choosing and when an element of surprise is involved.
  12. Given what we see here on the free cameras in the kitchen one wonders how far these two ladies went elsewhere in the apartment or off site...
  13. Many, many thanks Just Man. You should be Great Man for providing this simple, one-click link that an ancient member can easily understand without doing a computer science course. I'm sure many an old member will rise and salute you (and Leora) when viewing this one! I know I will. More strength to your elbow. And to every other vital organ too, if I may call an elbow an organ just this once!
  14. Thanks for posting the latest videos. They all look great. Pity I'm only using my phone as I'm travelling at the moment and I can only download but not open the files. Cutting and pasting links on a phone is unfortunately beyond my capabilities as I'm rather ignorant of computer skills and terminology, being born soon after WW2.
  15. Very clear instructions for the technically minded professionals but for the lay person it's all mumbo jumbo, sorry to say. Obviously all those who post short-lived links do so with the lay person in mind rather than the expert which is all a person of limited technical knowledge can comprehend. I clicked on the mybridge link but when it finished it produced nothing. Can only stand back and admlre those with a full understanding of the technical knowledge needed to follow what to the experts must seem the simplest thing in the world but to the lay person may as well be written in swahili.
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