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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Or the community spirit. This is, after all, a community - of like-minded souls, many of whom have limited means to access all of the posted material.
  2. Thanks Hope! All the gifs you're teeing up are working fine for me and no complaints whatsoever from me, with what you're doing......
  3. Thanks for your kind and generous sharing of videos, Maniam. Some are less magnanimous, sorry to say.
  4. Well, as Rod Stewart would have it, 'You wear it well' Madam Onassis's got nothing on you! (lyrics without permission)
  5. Seasonal adjustment. The days of sunbathing are over for another year. It's come around all of a sudden, it seems, from this distance! We'll slowly watch those tan marks fade into nothingness, once more.
  6. Next it will be "does anyone know how to 'open' eggs?" This is what happens when you develop an 'independent streak! Live and learn.
  7. Technically challenged, perhaps? Some of us find everyday tasks less than intuitive, due to being blessed with different kinds of brains. Her strength may lie in other, as yet unrevealed areas, so don't be too harsh. Some people can put together IKEA furniture easily while others struggle and end up with a part left over when they've finished! Packaging today is very difficult for older people to come to grips with. Young people too, it would seem......also, it has to be said, there are many people who cannot spell the simplest words correctly, even on here.
  8. That's not usually the case and hasn't prevented me seeing a constant stream of Leora pictures and videos for months. The Barcelona page has gifs by Hope that I can see perfectly well. I wonder why there's been a change without notice. I do find it rather odd. Fully entitled to operate this way of course, but not sure why it's suddenly become like this without prior warning to regulars, like me....
  9. Beautiful. And showing our love for them as well as theirs for one another.
  10. He probably secretly wishes she would shine his 'amour' more often, if truth be told! Assuming he wears his heart on his sleeve rather than his armour!
  11. Waiting 'a discreet period of time' before 'joining him' - which says a great deal!
  12. That's a very candid, down to earth shot, Hope. We are indebted to you for finding these very realistic moments and giving them an airing. Really appreciate your efforts on our behalf, as always. Keep 'em coming!
  13. The low-light of our day. You cannot be serious!! Furthermore his personal hygiene is right up there with Paul's!
  14. Who knows what this unpredictable woman will do next, as the whim takes her? She loves to be an enigma at times, doesn't she?!
  15. This is more than promising. Should be wholly fulfilling soon! A pleasure for every one of us.And for Leora especially!
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