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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. That's the promotional video used to lure potential new subscribers. It's full of ancient misleading sample videos of tenants, many of whom are no longer with the project. False advertising in every respect and in very short clips offering nothing we haven't seen before
  2. If you mean Efim, it was the double bass not the cello. You need to stand to play the double bass and you sit down to play the cello. Nelly played the violin and occasionally the guitar, wonder what happened to those instruments?....
  3. Great post! So down to earth and realistic. No pretence. If it works for you and your wife, then I say why not? Many don't have that understanding and are subject to harsh control mechanisms emanating from either partner. As long as your wife has the same liberty to do things with her own friends and to follow her desires in a non-judgmental fashion.
  4. Excellent post, really succinct and perfectly put together. Can't fault your analysis.
  5. And as regards seeing 'the writing on the wall' there's nothing to write home about here and you saw it here first!
  6. Yes the VLC player certainly proved very useful to me when other media players didn't work. It has been a godsend.
  7. That's without mentioning the translations of anything written by Lucky, which seem almost like something written in the Canterbury Tales or some other obscure writer from the age of MIddle English! Keeping a very open mind on everything these two said to one another while preparing to sleep, given the cultural unknowns, as well as the relationship itself being opaque.
  8. 'School' is obviously used in the American sense of any level of education, whereas those of us with a UK education, or most of those educated in the Commonwealth nations, regard school as lasting up until students go on to college, university or polytechnic etc. Those in the US have their own lingo regarding students, which has permeated beyond their borders, such as co-eds, spring-break, freshman, etc. as referred to frequently in Hollywood films and TV series, so cradle-snatching does not apply in Martina's case! :-))
  9. If you are capable of finding a needle in a haystack, then that would qualify you for finding this particular fine lady!
  10. I agree with most of the sentiments expressed here. I also think that they are a nice couple with a strong bond and that they have a good future together and that they are capable of working through any issues they may encounter, now or in the future. The main thing would be whether they have libidos that match and can be accommodated by one another. He may have no inclination to stray as his needs are being met, thanks to having a partner who's young and beautiful, as well as intelligent and warm in nature who he's comfortable with. He will know of his own shortcomings, if not completely then one by one, as he tries to overcome them, her pleasure and satisfaction being the most pressing matter to deal with right now. As I said, I think they can work through these issues as they are a decent couple. Maybe post-covid things could change if she has been making progress through her studies and exploring new things, while he may have stagnated, but we can only surmise that. Martina may not entertain huge expectations of what Alberto can achieve once things get back to normal with the economy and the world. She may just want some certainty.
  11. Watching Bogdan and Gina working out separately in the fitness room, focusing entirely on their own routines for up to an hour before Bogdan had done all he wanted to. Then after a drink taken back with her Gina continues to dance and move like a really fit young woman. She has all the moves like Shakira. If Gina drinks too much she certainly doesn't lack the will to burn off the calories and cleanse her system with the work in the room. She's still going at it and must be the fittest female in the house. Obviously Bogdan doesn't have much competition but his fitness routine is very thorough too. All the others are still in slumberland. Not sure if this is a daily routine or a new thing, but both of them look as fit as a fiddle on the fitness room floor.
  12. Hopefully, then, nobody will antagonise or alienate you and we'll all be able to benefit from your keen insights into those conversations and then your work will be very highly appreciated.
  13. In the bathroom. Not sure they are watching anything right now!
  14. Yes, that makes some sense, but if he can watch her in action he can also watch and listen to her on the phone and that would include her angry calls to the bf, surely? He can speak the same language, unless she communicates with the bf in another tongue, so he'd hear her discussing intimate matters, or otherwise, with the other bf. He'd therefore know how often she communicates with the bf in Praha, unless she only calls the guy when she knows Paul is asleep. I'm not entirely convinced, although some of it does ring true, no doubt.
  15. Possibly lockdowns mean restrictions of florist shops that deter deliveries or in=person sales? These are unprecedented times
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