I won't say yea or nay to you Squirrel. You been on here long enough I understand you.
I just stated my facts as I know it and even shared something that I usually don't speak about. It happen over 20 years ago.
Paul might have gone ballistic before but he needs to keep his space in these situations. If he did that I would agree with the Leora is wrong opinion.
I do believe she is crazy. Very sexy, but crazy.
Also I don't know what if any work that Pauls does but he should be a salesman. He should sale cars or the such. The way he talks to her and the next thing you know she is giving him a bj, he is a salesman.
Now I think the discussion is getting somewhere, my friend. You indicate that Paul's character has involvement in this situation, and I must agree.
Personally, I have never undergone the experience you have endured, nor do I ever want to. I simply refuse to deal with women who cannot control their emotions. They make for difficult company, and emotional stability is the worst tool to use when confronted with the need to solve a problem.
And I think Paul is somewhat responsible himself. I would surmise that 1) it takes two-to-tango, 2) they must enjoy this sort of drama or 3) they are creating for themselves a negative-feedback loop that re-enforces Leora's capacity to have emotional meltdowns.
I guess I'm just not emotionally-based enough to understand them. Ain't been in your shoes, and I ran away from women like her immediately.
But damn she's pretty. I just wish she would get back to her painting or take lessons from Maya on how to be normal most of the time.
If Paul could keep the space, maybe she would be able to calm down quicker. Last week, Leora was at the desk and Paul was on the couch. She went off on him for whatever reason. He stayed on the couch. She said her peace and then the argument was over. Less than 10 minutes.
They need to find ways to squash their triggers and defuse the argument. If they did this, it would help eliminate the negative-feedback loop that you spoke of.
I agree with the painting. She is so good at it. When she does paint next time, I hope she let us watch her paint instead of just seeing the finished product. I oil paint myself and it is so relaxing.
And yes she is damn pretty. A very lovely lady.