Ilona and Megan been gone over 8 hour. They was not dress to go shopping or to the beach. Ilona did take that silk bag with her. It had in it a toothbrush and toothpaste a change of underwear her sleep mask ear plug and there was another object in the bottom of the bag that she never revealed. Megan only took her purse and both girls had no make up on
21:50 Lola and Megan has left the apt and Lola took ever thing that she take to the beach even her bathing suit and her phone charger. They my be going to the other apt 1# we see but Megan did take the wine and the mellon and Megan did put on make up but not Lola
17:23 Lola,Megan & Anna left the apt my be gone shopping. 17:41 Polya & Stella has left the apt and Polya took her over night bag so she my not be back
If RLC keep doing what they been doing over the past 3 week then we might get a show out of Anna and Lola on Wednesday. It seem nothing happen with the girl but ever 6 day
Ok i think that BTR has proved himself. He said there going to do away with the viewer few and bonuses for certain view. I think Ilona Irma & poly are still getting viewer fee and bonuses but i think that it will be gone when I & I &P are gone and apt 1# is going to be like apt 2#. I can see clear as day That apt 2# has no viewer fee and no bonuses. Also i think RLC come up with thing for them to do for the viewer and they only get pay for what RLC won't them to do now.
Sorry Benfold there no hard feeling. We just can't see eye to eye so i put you on my ignore list and i do have to say it work good. i now will never no what you say. No hard feeling i still like you
You don't have to worry about me Posting or pm this kind of information. And the only reason why we done it to see what kind of area they live in and with blue being paralyzed i don't think he going to be doing no stalking. And also we did it just to see if we could find it and it give us some thing to do and pass the time
I understand what you are saying but i can go on google & start a street view & look at all the building and if i see the building the camera is looking at then i no the location of the apt. The street view and the design of the building and a few other thing to go with that i was able to find apt one. This is a wrap around balcony and it open & it has handrail on it so the only place to put camera on the balcony is to put them above the door then you will be able to see the other building & if they put up poll & put camera on them facing the apt then the neighbor would be asking question