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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. You guys also have to remember that they do have housekeeping to come in and that usually 3 hour by it self then another 6 hour to check in the girl and also that don't cover the time it take the girl to get there
  2. I went to other web site to find the right price and there are a lot off different price out but this one is the accurate priice and the web site is worth 1.8 million dollar
  3. Here some thing to do.type in ( Who is ) and a web page will come up. Then go down the web page till you see ( Who is Search,Domain Name,Website and IP Tools-Who is ) hit that then another web page will come up. On that page type in the search box (Reallifecam ) Then hit search Then it will put you on another page. On that page you see at the top of the page ( Reallifecam. com is already registered. interested in buying it, make a offer) Hit ( make a offer ) that will put on the sale page
  4. I can see that some one came to the apt 1# while it was UM. All the girls have the same gift bag which it was make up and you can see Irma mask on the bed she had it pack up so she must been showing it to who ever came. Also i did not she Irma take her receipts with her today to get reimbursed for the thing she bought like clothes and the thing from the sex shop so my be the management was there to reimbursed Irma but Right when it came on line Irma did not look happy she look angry
  5. RLC YOU GET YOUR CRYING TOWEL OUT THIS SHIT IN APT 2# NOT GOING TO SELL. And ever one RLC is considering selling and they are taking offer. No joke that real
  6. zxe81 LOL yes he does and let hope he bring us some thing good. I got the cookies and milk out and waiting
  7. Polya had a few beers today and now she was drinking a mix drink when it went UM also Polya was dress to go out and Irma does have two suitcase so my be Polya was going with them to the airport. Like i said today they my have some one waiting in the wing and housekeeping my be there to get the room ready for a new girl. Here one thing that is odd. Ilona did not put on a bra when she got dress.Now the only times i seen Ilona go out without a bra on is when she going to the store and that it
  8. @CowAr tHello Ilona and Irma are leaving some stuff behind. Ilona and Irma was showing the stuff to Polya and she took some of the stuff to her room
  9. I think Lona,Megan and Anna are doing a theater show some thing you can take your whole family too. Megan don't like doing any thing that involves nudity or sex so Anna and Lola have to come up with a show that don't involves nudity or sex and i guess RLC think this is going to keep the rating up.
  10. Well it look like shrimp and beer tonight in Apt 2# The beer in the freezer and the shrimp going in the pot
  11. As slow as Lola,Anna and Megan is i don't think we see nothing tonight. It will take a hour for the to go to the store then it will take the 3 hour to fix them some thing to eat and eat it. So there 4 hour gone already . So it will be 1:00 Am when they get done.If they don't get any phone call tonight or tomorrow then we might get a show. When Lona and Anna done the massage with oil in Lola room it was on a Monday
  12. Well it look like RLC is going to try to Get apt 2# to make up for Ilona and Irma leaving. Lola and Megan bought liquor, beer more candles a lamp a Bass speakers a bottle of the good olive oil and a few other thing that i can't tell what it is yet. My be the management was there today to talk to the girls and see what they could come up with to keep the rating up. With all the thing they bought that what it look like what there going to do. We will see if we get more sexual activity or it just a bust
  13. The only thing i see is they brought back in a chair from the balcony and it look like they had visitors
  14. That is true but if another girl is waiting in the wings then housekeeping my have arrived early and they are getting started cleaning on the apt while megan pack. And we don't even no if she leaving You no how the UM are. They stay under UM for 3 or 4 hour and come back on line and nothing change
  15. Guys have you notice that Ilona been putting some of her thing in Irma suitcase. So there not going there not going there separate way. My be there getting there own apt like K & K. Wishful thinking. Well RLC better get there crying towel out they just lost there Golden Goose. Now what are we going to do. You no RLC not going to be able to replace them 2 & Lola was not that entertaining but with her gone that apt won't even be worth watching & Anna probably stay gone like Polya. SAD DAY
  16. Well Kamile got the big bear and Irma got what ever you won't to call it. Now we need a name for it sense it going to be with us for eternity
  17. Well it look like we have some thing to look at for the next year. Just like the christmas tree.
  18. All 3 girls in apt 2# is going out. And they thought playing twister was going to cover for them going out. RIGHT. It seem we have more Polya in RLC.Lola and Anna can't stay home.There putting on make so they won't be home tell after 5:00 AM or later.
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