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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Also ever time housekeeping come in and clean that room they undo what the girl did to keep the wind from blowing the curtains so that why i have to email them so much about this
  2. My be because i email them 23 times in the past 5 month about the curtain in Anna room. When the door is open and the window the wind blow the curtain and block the view of camera 6. So i hope they are there to fix that
  3. 14:26 Lola and Rebecca has left the apt for the beach
  4. When they was doing the photoshoot Kristy went in the bath room and put in a Tampon in. Kristy been on her period for 2 days now.
  5. Also Lola and Anna was not wearing bathing suit. Anna had on shorts and that grey tank top on with no bra and Lola had on blue jeans and her white tank top on no bra and Lola was not wearing a pad or a tampon. Also Anna did clean the kitchen before she went and lay down in Rebecca bed and went to sleep. Lola had done back to bed while Anna was cleaning the kitchen
  6. Ok this is what i saw. Lola and Anna slept 3 hour last night and got up and took a bath then some where in between the bath and spending a little time on the balcony they kiss. Then Anna got her back pack her Beach blanket and 2 bananas then Lola and Anna left the apt. It was 7:00 AM. They stay gone 2 & a half hour and when they came back Anna took out her beach blanket and hung out on the balcony and took the 2 bananas and put them back in the fridge & Lola went back to bed & Anna
  7. The guy that in Kristy apt is the guy that brought over all of Natasia stuff that kristy put in the corner of the living room about a month ago
  8. Apt 2# does have real good liquor and it look like there going to do shooter. Anna set up the glasses are on the table
  9. The best i can tell Meggan got a toy. I saw her open up the lub a smell and i saw her take a box out that look like the same box Polya and Ilona had there toy in
  10. I think this is how it goes if the girls won't to earn extra money. They sit down together & come up with some kind of show like Polya and Stella are doing. You heard the translator,translate what Lola was saying about doing massages that they needed to come up with way to make it more interesting. So i guess the better show you put on the more money you get and with the technology they have today it help RLC tell them how many viewer are watching so RLC no how much to pay them by the viewer
  11. I need a RUM COKE. These is going bad in ever way. Polya and Stella you could't come up with nothing better then that
  12. Boy i think i losing it. We should have seen this coming Usually when one of the girls spend the night at the other apt that usually mean that the other 2 girls are going to put on a show like Irma and Polya done
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