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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Ok Polya left 3 days ago with a bag full of stuff. Yesterday she only come back with a plastic bag with a few thing in it. Today when she come back she had the bag she took 3 day ago with her. Also she had more jean shorts then she took & a few other clothes that she did not have in the bag when she left & you could tell they been worn. Also she took her lub that she use on her vibrator. Polya is a local girl just like Sara was. She went home for a few day that all & she only in the apt for the money
  2. A last song for Irma ( Van Morrison-- Some You Like You ) You just don't no how much we are going to miss you. You be in are heart forever
  3. If Irma leave in the next 9 day then it will probably be a month and a half before we have any new girl my be a little longer. If Ilona leave then we get a new girl but there no telling when she going to leave. So if your not happy with the girls apt right now then it would be a good time to take a break and take your money and go have good have a good steak and some cold beers.
  4. The other day Irma came home and kept her clothes on for hour then at 23:30 she left the apt. It look like she going to do the same tonight. We just have to wait and see
  5. @ CowArt She only come back with a black bag and it did't have but one change of clothes in it her flip flops and a few pair of underwear. So there is a lot off thing she took but did not bring back. Wonder why. That was a good catch. I thought i was the only one that notice
  6. Ok guys i don't care much for Megan but ever sense they open the first girls apt i have lost track on how many girls come through that apt like Megan. It a rare gift to have girls like Elise Danaya Vika Ilona Irma Anna Kamila Kristy Nora Polya Mlana. These are the only girls that show us all the goods and put a smile on our faces and as you can see there weren't many. The rest of the girls that came through just give us titty shot and that about it out out of these girl. There far and few
  7. 19:31 Lola And Anna has left the apt. Came in and took a real fast shower and back out the door. Must be a hot date. They my be out late or home early morning.
  8. @ CowArt @happyman88 Hello how are you guy doing. B&B are doing ok today. Getting a little dizzy trying to keep a eye on both apt
  9. I don't have high expectations for the girls apt. It back where it all way been but in the mouth of July I saw a big difference in the 1st apt & i never miss a day from not watching the girls apt so i no very well how thing are with the girls but in July there was some thing i never seen happen in the apt & i thought it was the new change but now it back the way it use to be. Back before July did you see girls going to the sex shop & buying vibrators & come back and using them on top of the cover
  10. Megan was nude. You could see her take off her clothes and she was sitting on the toilet lid and she did go to the bed room one time and got oil then come back then in a little bit went back to the bed room and got a small round objects that was blue and 6 inches long and went back to the bath room with it. So with the oil and that objects and few bit and pieces you could see from the corner of the mirror you had a good ideal what she was doing
  11. Yea there BF really fuck thing up in the apt. I can't believe what we saw in July with Ilona Polya & Irma using there toy Then they being apt 2# on line & it a dead apt. You would think they set that apt up like apt 1#. Some thing going on with RLC. I don't think the girls can make the money they use to in the apt so now they are having to find work outside the apt now. If they are still doing viewer fee & bonuses it must not be much now to encourage the girl to show much or do much sexual activity now
  12. There was no guy in the bath room with Megan. She was doing a sex cam with her boyfriend. You can't she much but you no what she was doing and at one time you could see him on cam but only a min
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