You heard that Ilona has a different visa then the other girls and she can stay there a lot longer and Irma only has 22 day left and and You take 5 or 6 day out for her period. My be they put Stella in Ilona room so she could have a place to unpack her stuff. You seen girl move from one room to another so Stella my be in there temporarily. We are no going to no who going to leave till they start packing.
Don't forget that Anna like to give massages and remember she like playing with Irma nipples when then were on the couch so i wonder if Lola going to let her play with her nipples. This is going to be real interesting to see how Anna and Lola get along. And you guys are forgetting it almost time for Irma to start her period and Ilona no Irma and Anna history so do you think Ilona going to give Irma and Anna alone time. NO So i don't think it going to be the reunion you hope for unless Ilona take a trip. Remember Ilona took a trip when that night happen
From what i saw Amy is still in Barcelona. I think RLC had a talk with her yesterday and she did not won't to stay in the apt no more and RLC made arrangement for her to stay some where else. If that the case then Megan could be going over there and hanging out with her ever day. We have to wait and see. These girls can leave any time they won't if there not comfortable in the apt and Amy my have a schedule plane ticket and she can't leave Barcelona yet but she don't have to stay in the apt
Ok guys Amy put in a pad last night and the earlier today she got a pad a clean underwear and put them on so it starting to look like it her time to start her period
clivebb. I have had good luck with them and i get a different response. That why i said to say this. (Hello Please send this to RLC management team ) If you start the email off with this then they will forward it to RLC management team. If you like the girl (Natasia ) then please send them a email and start it off like i said and see what kind of reply you get then by doing what i said
I have done email RLC with a very long detail letter and now i need your help. The girls that was at Kamila apt monday night that put on that open masturbation show is what i email them about. I ask them to please sign her up for the project. I also ask them to try her out in one of the Barcelona apt and if she did good there then move her in with K & K.I need you to flood RLC with email if you like this girl name (Natasia ). Please send your email to ( [email protected] ) and start it of by saying ( Please send this to RLC management team ) Then till them how much you like her & you won't them to sign her up. Thank you guys
Ok guys this is what i got. The reason there not camera on all the balconies because there open balconies and the only place to put the camera is above the door which will show you the surrounding building and it could give there location away. Other words it a security risk for the tenants
winnlove. There are a lot of member on here that from around the world. So some time the way some one says some thing my sound different to you. Please if you not sure what some one is saying then ask them to explain it a different way & you can use to PM. I never seen you on here and i not been on here to long but it sound like you was saying i did not no what i was talking about That why i use ( I think) or ( My Be }. Some time i get thing wrong and some time not. I only try to say what i see
winnlove. Did you not read ever thing i said. First i said IT LOOK LIKE THERE GOING TO THE BEACH. Then i said it guess i was wrong on guessing there going to the beach but they did PUT ON BATHING SUITS so this give you the IMPRESSION they MY BE going to the beach. Do i need to explain in another way so you can understand it