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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Ever thing Spoon said was correct about Lola and Anna but it on last 8 min and nothing they did was consisting. They did this for a few seconds and they done that for a few seconds. There was nothing to write home about. Anna and Lola does this shit ever day and that about all you see out of the day in that apt. That apt 2# is no hope for it and it not worth spending time on. When they do some thing you better not blink or you will miss it
  2. What my husband is saying if you going to do some thing then do it right and don't half -ass -it . Anna can put her pillow against the wall & give us a good view. If she she don't won't us to see then go hide in the bath room. O if she show us playing with her pussy then it porn. Please she no why she there and she no what she doing and she came back on her on & she now how thing work. BY THE WHY GUY i see you post that videos and she did one time right before she checked out of the apt
  3. Also what did Anna do in the bath room. She took a green towel and block the view. Being able to she her do it is part of the excitement meaning being able to see her pussy and watch her playing with it. When you only can see her side then you have to use your imagination what it would look like to see her play with her pussy and from the sound of it some of you guys must enjoy using there imagination rather then seeing the real thing
  4. Ok when you can't see nothing but her side what good is that. It just like being under the cover. The way she put up her legs she don't won't you to see so i call it hiding
  5. Just like Lola it was under the cover as usual. You won't she Anna masturbate with out cover till the last few days she there if you lucky and when she in the tub doing it she going to make sure there some thing to block the view.
  6. I think Blue&Bonnie good luck charm don't work on Lola Megan and Anna apt. Usually when Blue&Bonnie say some thing never going to happen it all ways does. I think that apt 2# is just jinxed
  7. Ok guy do you remember when Lola and Anna was in the apt alone. What did they do NOTHING but watch tv and eat and eat then got on there phone. So tonight it going to be the same thing. I have a good ideal Anna masturbate today while it was UM she was getting started when it went into UM and Lola is showing sign she on her period so the girl most likely are going eat and eat and watch TV and go to bed
  8. I If i was a guy i would not have sex with Megan. She don't use feminine wash or does a good job with soap. You no the old saying if you get pass the smell you got it lick. LOL
  9. That what it look like and off topic Anna washing her hair and Megan putting on make up so who no what going on there. All 3 of them went out on the balcony turn up the music and made sure all the door was close when they went out
  10. There never going to be nothing good come from that APT 2# it all way going to be boring. Poor o Anna she use to be fun to watch but I think Lola and Megan has took all the fun out of her
  11. Polya put some thing in a bag and it look like she going to be gone for 2 or 3 day or my a little longer. She only took 3 pair of underwear and some other clothes just enough for a 2 or 3 day stay, where ever that might be
  12. What you are reading is about sub-contractors that work for RLC and these sub-contractors are here in the US and they are giving out there information like where they are registered. RLC business license and other documents are in the UK .
  13. ze81 i have all ready look into this and it not RLC shutting the camera down. It UK law that are shutting down the camera
  14. Where RLC is registered there are rules that says RLC can't let miner in the apt with live camera. RLC can be shut down for good for this. There are rule that RLC has to follow when they open up this kind of web site. Even though there apt in russia they still have to go by certain rule. If RLC was registered where WatchME 24/7 is then they allow this in there country. It all depends where you registered this kind of web site and what rule they have for running a Voyeur web site
  15. See the girls go out and have fun then when they get back to the apt all they won't to do for the next 3 or 4 day is just eat phone TV and sleep then they get ready again and leave. And you wonder why ever one complain. If was not for Ilona and Irma we we have nothing to see
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