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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Kamila Done masturbate a little while ago. She had the door shut and lock and i seen her put her toy back in the drawer and wipe up the floor and toilet
  2. Well this is going to be a fun day. The youngins are back working on the puzzle my be when the Lola get up she can joining in on the fun and it one of those large puzzle so it might take them a day or 2 to finish
  3. Ilona and Irma are just good friends. Now that last night show is over Ilona and Irma are back to there normal behavior.
  4. Now i wonder if Polya and Lola is at a fundraising or doing charity work. Like working at the soup kitchen at the local homeless shelter
  5. Now we can go watch the youngins go put the puzzle together. Megan & Amy. That should cool you down. LOL
  6. sulzer25059 With out Irma there no Ilona. Ilona would not have done this with Polya. Ilona and Irma are a pair like K & K
  7. Ilona is the one that need to go home not Irma. Just think what it going to be like with Irma gone and Ilona staying. I think that apt will start getting boring now that Polya has a infection and staying gone. it was coming but to soon. Also Irma did buy a lot of groceries today so my be she stay tell it time for Ilona to leave. Can only wish
  8. They came and move camera 9 to the Right some. Now you can;t see down the hall way. So now you can't see them in the hall or going in the laundry room. Also you can see Irma suitcase now
  9. I really think this is a game set up by RLC with Megan and Amy. I have watch them very close and when i seen how Megan massage Lola tits i could see that Megan been around the block. See this is a set up By the girls and RLC to make you think there innocent and shy to keep you watching and keep you paying. RLC won't you to believe this is real life. If these girls came right in and start using toy and playing with one another you probably say it fake so RLC is going to try to make it look real
  10. You my just be right. Polya went and found the remote to the A/C about 15 to 20 min before going UM. The remote was down beside her bed so she new where it was so this is a good sign the A/C are not working
  11. Irma is washing some of her clothes. not to many pieces. Polya started washing some thing first so now Irma have to wait. So it look like Irma not doing nothing today.
  12. Remember the two girl that was in V & T apt. When one of the girl move out there was another girl that came but after she came they close the apt down. Also when a couple split up they close the apt down. I wonder if Kamila leave if they would close this apt down.The rumor was Kamila could not get this apt with out Kristy. So it seems that they are a team That RLC wanted
  13. Polya PUSSY is out of commission for about the next 2 week or so. She made it official right in front of the camera. She has a infection in her pussy. Yes i seen her use the syringe to put the cream up in her pussy. These girls don't no what condoms do beside not get pregnant also to keep from getting some thing. It might get a little better in a few day where she can use her toy but i would not count on it. Lalay Was using the same stuff and putting cream up in her pussy
  14. To be honest i have to read thing twice on here to make sure i understood what they were saying and i never got to do this. It just vanish right in front of me. The only thing i can remember is some one was telling lies about Irma and also they won't her to come back. I don't remember no more
  15. I did read it but there was more so when i went to read what else he had to say it told me it could not be found. Weird i was just reading some of it
  16. Did any body just see Noldus conversation about what Ilona and Irma was saying tonight. It was only up for 2 min and it disappeared
  17. I no it these is the wrong thread for this but i haven't l learned my way around here yet. Desiree BF has pack up his PC so this means he leaving tomorrow so it going to be TOY time for Desiree. Dam i love watching her play with her TOYS
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