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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. If the time was mark right apt 1# has been UM 4 hour. So does these mean a new girl coming. Remember i said Polya was doing some unusual cleaning and she wash her bed linen but she never has made her bed up yet or could they be replacing the camera or adding some more camera. The rumor was there going to put a camera in the laundry room some time or it could be another long ass UM and nothing was changed
  2. Thanks. I just like for ever one to no when they start not to be expecting any thing out of them. I think it been 4 day now sense Ilona and Irma done there show so now it could be another 7 day before we see any thing out of them.Lola bate last night and had at least 5 orgasms so she good for the next 3 or 4 day and she did under the cover so nothing to see there and Polya not sure about her. We see later on tonight if her infection going to get in the way if so it could be 2 week before better
  3. I think the reason most of these girl masturbate under the cover is the way they do it. They watch a lot of porn and see that they masturbate different then what they see on a porn site and my be they think ever body would think there weird with the way they masturbate
  4. Guys just sit back and be patient.When the rating start to drop a little then we get to see another show like Ilona and Irma did. We can Bitch all day long but it not going to change a thing on RLC. RLC is going to run it business like they want to not like the way we won't it. The more paying viewer they get the less we going to see. Yes ever now and then RLC will put on a little tease show just to keep us watching.
  5. My be they are closing down the apt and Kamila moving on and Kristy and the loser are getting there own apt. Well think about it All the other guys just sit around all day and do nothing what a better place for him then on then on RLC. You never saw this coming so there could be more surprises from Kristy
  6. Really you think they done more then they ever have. Have you seen them use the toy. They took a bath like that before when they done the body painting.
  7. All we got was the teasing bull shit now there going out. If there are new owner they need to give it back to the old owner. When Ilona Irma Polya does come home There going to be straight to bed. They got good and horny now there going to be out looking for some fun.
  8. You are right. My this ankle bracelet is a sign the old Kamila is coming back. Can only hope
  9. What is Kamila wearing that she all way wore in the old apt and now she just started wearing it again
  10. For those who can remember when the girls apt first open There was a girls can't remember her name but she done the same thing Amy did and if you remember most of the time that apt was really boring tell K & K came. I think the new apt is starting out just like the first apt and it my be a good while before we see another K & K OR I & I. I think they need to do away with the models and find girls that will stay 2 or 3 month like the girl we have now in the first apt
  11. This is just my thought. The girls that come there to do modeling work make there money on the out said doing that so they are offered less money to be in the apt so it may not worth it to them to go around nude. The girls that are not there to do modeling and that are here 2 or 3 month are offered more money to be in the apt and by showing nudity and by doing sexual thing this is how they make there money. I think it all about the money and what each girls is offered
  12. kris66 Hello I hope that made you feel better. Can you do better then that or is that all you got. I starting to enjoy hearing thing like that form weirdo like you . Keep coming so i can keep laughing my ass off
  13. Ilona was showing Megan and Amy a texts and after that they went and put shirt on and left
  14. Euromike69 I can not write but 2 line on here if i do then it log me out. it the same way with the PM and i just sent you a PM and my send you another
  15. See this is what i saying. It only take a min and you can miss thing on RLC and people call me a liar when i say i saw some thing. WOW. Why can't these people say ok i my have miss that but no they can't do that they have to make a big deal out of it
  16. euromike69 sense this is all ready out and a lot of people on here has heard about it i going to say one more thing about it and i going to drop it. For those who says they watch RLC all the time then you would have seen Nora miss her period and you would have seen Kiko stop using condoms. If you are not glued to the screen 24/7 and not going back and forth to room to room or on CC then you will start seeing a lot more.All it take is 1 min and you can miss some thing.
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