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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. HarleyFatboy Clean out your cached and images file and restart also close out the Thumbnail and only have two window open but it better if you only have RLC open
  2. Ilona wearing a bra now and the other girls are dress. I going to start CRYING now for me and all you guys. This is not looking good. Why does RLC have to do this to us. We pay RLC your money you won;'t but you seem to let us down a lot. WHY
  3. Just going by the last time she was here she only stay 30 day and now her 30 day is about up and we been seeing RLC bring in girls 2 or 3 days before the other girl leave. Let just hope this girl is here to do a quick photo shoot and she be gone and Irma will be staying
  4. Well we had two night of fun now it look like ever thing going to Shit again. Wonder how many month it will take the new girl to get nude. If this is Irma replacement we all going to be crying. I don't understand this girls if you don't won't to get nude then don't sign up
  5. Let hope this is not Irma replacement. Irma came on June 10 also i looking through all the photo we have. I seen this girl before and it seem like she was standing next to Kamila. I think she is a model. If i find a photo of her i will find some one to help me post it but it only will be in a PM not on the site
  6. Now i see why Irma is piss. Ilona friend will be sleeping in Ilona room. Well it look like no more toy. Blue has a rare gift. Evere time Blue say some thing not going to happen then you no it will happen.
  7. So i was wrong i own it. But please don't talk about my husband in a bad way. He all most died two time and he got put in a care center and he still my not go home. You can talk shit about me but don't talk shit about Blue.Blue had two stroke and it miss up is brain some and he also has ADD. i just type what he tell me and not all the time i agree with what he say but i type it any way so we don';t start arguing.
  8. Mikeusa. You don't seem to remember me This is Blue talking.You don't remember i had two stroke and i paralyzed on the right side and i am partial paralyzed on the left and that i am in a care center.. I can't us the mouse or the keyboard so my wife Bonnie is doing the typing and i doing the talking. Of course my wife Bonnie sound like a guy because she typing what i telling her to type and she not 67 years old she is 68 years old and i am 54 years old
  9. They have a email so you can email them and inquire about there visa and how to get one and how long you can stay
  10. No Happyman88 You have to go back further. It about why i sound like a guy and my husband Blue being paralyzed. And what i said does not mean ever one on here. Some member on here been nice to Blue & Bonnie
  11. (happyman88) (beaver67 ) Did you read what my husband Blue said about a hour ago. Please if you did't go read it
  12. StnCld316 You my be right. But there has been some talking that they have a new kind if visa. I going on the internet today and try to find out more about it and i PM. Also what i been hearing is Ilona is the one that got a lot of the girls in the apt so i was just thinking the owner might keep her there like Nora and use her to couch all the new girls that come in. She is talking a lot to Polya
  13. irma keep the small room for some reason so i think she stay 45 day. Elisa stay about that long not the full 60 days
  14. This dose not apply to ever one. To all the dumbasses on here My name is Blue and Bonnie is my wife. If you don't no what the word (Stroke and Paralyzed ) mean go the the internet and look it up. I had two stroke and i paralyzed on the right side and partially paralyzed on the left side so a can not use a mouse or keyboard so my wife come on and do the typing for me. Of course my wife sound like a man she typing what i telling her to type and some time she also has thing to say and Mikeusa don't can't even get my wife age right. She is 68 years old and i am 54 years old. SO WOULD YOU PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO THE OTHER STUPID ASS PEOPLE ON HERE AND LET THEM NO WHO BLUE & BONNIE REALLY IS AND WHAT GOING ON WITH THEM
  15. No i did not and Blue did not miss it either and we have it recorded. I see that a lot of member can be wrong and you don't say shit to them. So i guess your tree swing the other way. It pretty clear you guys don't have a women and you think you can BULLY me. Please you couldn't handle me and i would not give the most of you the time a day. Grow a set of ball
  16. Well mikeusa would you like to do Skype. If you do then PM me your number. I show you what a happy married women look like. And do you think i give a SHIT what the most of you think about me. Please you need to go get a life. This chat box don';t means shit to me and i don't need it. Some of you guys are nice to me but the other well when i die a be sure to be buried face down so you can kiss my ASS
  17. Sorry i am a women and i think with the head on my shoulder. I not like some of you guys and think with your head in your pants. Also kzsjzkdjs you need to pull your head out of your ass and start doing some thinking.
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