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Everything posted by gomer

  1. I'm here for the same reason you're here. Apparently, some of you are so wracked with guilt over your shameful, dirty urges that you need to invent other reasons to be here that make the jacking off secondary. Now you're not quite so despicable and dirty and can live with yourself. This is a site where the participants get paid for titillating the audience with their genitalia and get paid to do it. Just like a stripper, a hooker, or a donkey show. Face it. You're dirty and shameful and probably going to hell for it but you just keep on pulling your pud and trying to poke butter up everyone's ass over why you're here. Save your breath and jerk. It's what you're paying for.
  2. If you people get your fondest wish and she and Malia have a hot, steamy love fest, how would that be described? Is that fucking? Is a penile insertion necessary to call it fucking? Help a fella out here. If you know the performer personally and know that the donkey's name is Fred and that he's friendly, does that make it not a donkey show. It certainly isn't a 4H Club meeting. Don't believe your lying eyes. Subscribe to the fantastic delusion or you're a prick, is that right? You guys are a hoot.
  3. True. The only evidence is that she puts her heels in her ears for a crowd of lecherous men (and a few women) for money. No evidence she actually fucks for money, right? Just the tip and only for a minute.
  4. Not such an extreme stretch. She's already working that boulevard. Simple matter to cross the street.
  5. Oh no. Sister Bertrille besmirched. Is he mad?
  6. Malia hitting all the cameras in turn. Thank you, Malia.
  7. I think you're on to something there, Sire. A real friend would bring the john home and share.
  8. LOL. You're not tiptoeing around an ad hominem are you, Nick?
  9. But if your best friend does grab your package, your relationship will forever be changed. You'll either like it and help out or you will find a new best friend immediately. This "just the tip and only for a minute" business is just nonsense. It only applies in the back seat of a Chevy.
  10. And if she did choose you, you would be deliriously happy until the honeymoon was over. You would forever be haunted by what she was doing when you fell in lust with her. All you know about her is that she has a killer bod and whatever personality you have assigned her in your constructed fantasy. For all any of us know, she could be the bitch from hell. Believe me when I tell you that sex alone will not cement a relationship.
  11. Only in your mind. If your buddy grabs your dick, but he doesn't jack it, he's still off the reservation.
  12. If sticking her fingers into her best friend's twat didn't break anything, I don't see that sticking a tongue there will either. That's show business for you.
  13. Perhaps a clash over anticipated plans for the evening. Seemed the tension was palpable when Malia stayed in her room and Leora in hers. It will be fun watching them make up later.
  14. Sister Bertrille has flown off to make her rounds at the orphanage. Looks like it's up to you, Malia, to entertain the troops tonight.
  15. Constructing a fantasy as an aid to fappage is fine. Whatever melts your butter. I can't tell you how many times I was Burt Reynolds to my wife while humping, or she was whatever hot lump caught my eye lately. It's all good if it gets you off. Insisting that others share your fantasy is not OK. You do you and let everyone else do likewise and the world will be a happier place.
  16. Not at all. I don't let adolescent fantasies ruin a good fap session. She doesn't have to be Mary Poppins. Just a hot, naked bod and an occasional lewd act will suffice. The pain is suffered by you children who melt down every time she leaves the apartment to get laid.
  17. Fap facilitation at its finest. Gotta throw the viewers a bone now and again so they don't wander off. Plays well for the cameras.
  18. https://us-browse.startpage.com/av/anon-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F16u9g5.jpg&sp=1593848762Tc01c59767a128cf11d3876a86cc81ca9529182e55c7aebff10dd626c619e8493
  19. It's anything you want it to be, friend. That's what you pay for.
  20. Will Leora return the favor? Or is that about it for the show?
  21. Look her in the eyes, Malia, as you taste the nectar on your fingers.
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