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Everything posted by gomer

  1. Stood in line two hours to make a 3 minute call home from Vietnam. Had to say "over" after every sentence to cue the ham radio operator guy to flip the send/receive switch. That was Star Wars technology right there. Called a MARS station call. (military auxilliary radio system) "I love you, Mom. Over" "I love you too, son. Over"
  2. Isn't it obvious? Sister Bertrille went winging it out of there at two in the morning to make her rounds at the orphanage. Not to worry, though, she installed navigation lights on her cornette.
  3. Getting late. Better pick up the pace if he expects to get drunk, take his dick out and pass out.
  4. No. No. No. She's off to club and skin baby seals.
  5. https://us-browse.startpage.com/av/anon-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fozwikia%2Fimages%2F0%2F00%2FThe_Lion.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20160723063944&sp=1595000831Tb12a31f4bc63d35f8ee135afc42c702430826e3849c076246084466f612fec9d
  6. You're right, Slip. It's their business and their lives. We should not speculate or share opinions about the tenants, although it would obviate the purpose of having this chat blog at all. Perhaps we should stop eavesdropping on them entirely. You turn your monitor off first.
  7. Paul was boring and inattentive to her most of the time, but she had a safe, secure home and a dog she loves very much. She and Malia have been dropped into another cage with a large snake. It's just a matter of time.
  8. Such a hero you are. Tell me, does your protective vigilance allow any time for you to punish your pp? Or is that a distraction from your heroic purposes?
  9. And your reason for being here differs exactly how?
  10. Just passing through tonight. Not much to see here, still repetitive and uninspired cam view generating. Y'all enjoy the performance.
  11. I think the salt and pepper shakers were moved.
  12. I went about my business yesterday when I checked in and saw two pages about a laundry hamper and lack of drawer space.
  13. I've never been in a clinic where the uniform of the day is shorts. Maybe they're more laid back in Prague.
  14. So if your phone rings and it's her, are you going to turn off your monitor?
  15. Of that I have no doubt. In my squad, you're walking point.
  16. Lord help some of you if ever you have to step up and function in a real crisis.
  17. Don't know what she's all worked up about but it just shows that the grief of some can still bring joy to others.
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